Chapter nine

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Y/n pov

The next day, i was going to meet with Evie at the enchanted lake, where there I didn't know, but anyway I threw on my hoodie and pants, before walking out and off the school grounds

As I walked between the trees, I could here the sound of the water in the lake and the bird's above, I took a deep breath and my lungs filled with fresh earthy air

This was the most relaxing thing I had done in a while

"Y/N!" I looked up and saw Evie waving from a small cliff right above the lake, I smiled and waved and looked around for a way to get up, but I couldn't see any when it hit me and I felt stupid

"You can fly y/n" I said to myself and sighed before flying slowly up to where Evie was, and I landed I was a blanket spread out over the ground, two pillows and some fresh fruit

"Is this a date?" I asked at her smirking, making her giggle

"I just wanted to have a good time, it's not fair Mal gets all the nice picnics" she said and putted down to the small balcony thing at the lake, where I assumed was where Mal and Ben would be later

"Sit" she said and patted the blanket, and I did as I was told

"The weather is so nice today" evie said and closed her eyes, bathing in the sun

"Yeah, I like summer" I said and grabbed a strawberry, she opened her eyes and looked at me

"So y/n, this is not the reason I asked you to hang out, but I do have a question for you" she said and I nodded chewing on the juicy berry

"About yesterday" she paused

"The hook in your bag... where did it come from?" She said and I almost chugged

"I told you it's for theatre" I said and smiled, but she didn't smile back

" y/n I know there is no theatre in the school, and Mal said you said the word wee yesterday" she continued, and I thought to myself that I couldn't get away from this one, but that doesn't mean I couldn't try

"I don't know what you are talking about" I said, nervously

"I think you do, and I think that you know someone named Harry" she said and at this point I wasn't going to ruin this picnic date she had put up for us

"What if I do.." i Said looking Down and grabbing another berry

"Then I would say two things to you" she then said in a calm voice making me look up

"One, how did you even get to the isle?" She asked and I shrugged

"I don't know, I just, go back and forth"
I said and grabbed yet another berry, almost emptying the bowl with strawberries, but when I was about to put it in my mouth, Evie put her hand on mine stopping my hand from moving, and I looked at her

"Two, be careful, Harry is not a sweet and gentle guy, he's a player, a bully and most importantly a villain" she said squeezing my hand and giving a gentle smile

"I think you forget, so are you, Mal and the boys" I raised my brows and she moved her hand away

"Uh, here they came!" Evie said and looked down to the lake seeing Mal and Ben walking together, they were talking and after not long ben jumped in the lake and Mal started singing

"Is she always like this?" I asked Evie, she was starting to eat some of the food too

"No, I think auradon might have change her" she said and we both looked down at her

"If only I knew what my heart was telling me
Don't know what I'm feeling
Is this just a dream?
Ah oh, yeah
If only I could read the signs in front of me
I could find the way to who I'm meant to be "

Mal sang loud as she was standing on the balcony leaning on a peeler

" I think that, maybe not auradon only auradon have changed her, maybe Ben have too" Evie smiled at me and we continued the picnic, listening to Mal singing

Me and Evie was walking back from the lake, After er had finished the food and Mal and Ben had left, we were talking about the carnation in the weekend when it hit me

"I DONT HAVE A DRESS!" I stopped in my tracks and yelled, normally I wouldn't care but, I never missed a chance to dress up

"What?" Evie had stopped and looked back at me

"For the coronation" I said sadly, I had spent so much time messing around I never got a time to get one

"I can make you one" evie said and smiled at me, I looked up at her with a wide smile

"You can?! Really?" I asked wanting to make sure it wasn't a trick

"Yeah sure, are you a girly girly dress or more basic?" She asked and I got excited

"Something that makes you think of me, and blue would be nice" I said and winked at her and she smiled

"It's a deal, you can come by before it starts and pick it up" I hugged her and we continued back to the school where we went to hers and mals room to pick out fabrics

When we got in, Mal was sitting on the bed looking down at her spell book, she looked up as she heard us

"Im going to break the spell on Ben" she said, me and evie looked at each other

"Are you sure?"Evie asked and sat beside her leaving me standing in front of them

"Yeah, but not now, I have to think this through" she sighed and looked down again, Evie looked up at me and I pointed to the door with my thumb and she mouthed the word sorry and looked at Mal and back at me, I gave a thumbs up and waved walking out

As I turned around I bumped right into Ben and Matt

" hey guys" I said and smiled and they smiled back

" hey y/n, long time no see" Matt said jokingly when Ben looked at me suspiciously

" yeah... I haven't actually seen you around lately" he looked at me for a few seconds before continuing

" anyway, we were actually just talking about parents day tomorrow, I'm sorry but we couldn't get a hold of your father again this year" Ben said sympathetically, but it didn't shook me, he had never been there

" BUT, dad is coming this year!" Matt yelled and I felt my heart skip a beat

" really?! But what about tea time?" I asked him confused, uncle had never been here either, it's always tea time when the parents day is here

" he moved it to later" me and Matt held each others hands and jumped up and down like to excited school girls but stopped up when we saw Ben standing looking at us, we looked at each other and back at Ben before letting go in one hand and each reached one out to them each, he looked at them and shrugged before grabbing our hands and joining in on the excitement

Tomorrow was gonna be a great day...

I hoped


I have been on vacation, sorry the long wait, but I will upload one or maybe two more later, hope you like it❤️

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