Chapter one

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Y/n PoV

Well hallo there
You may know the love story between king Ben and my friend Mal, all the ups and downs and the happy ever after

Blah blah blah, boring

But what if I told you there was another story that went on at the same time, but just behinds the scene, in the shadows

And that story, is mine

Let my start by telling you about me, my name is Cheshire Y/n, but I just go by Y/n, it usually doesn't take people too long to figure out who my dad is, and if you are one of the slow ones, let me tell you

I'm daughter of the Cheshire Cat, you know, from Alice in wonderland? The floating cat, blue strips, glowing blue eyes, biiiiiig smile, yah yah you get it by now

My hair his natural h/c, and my eyes e/c, except when it gets dark, in the dark my hair is a bluish colour and my eyes shine blue like my fathers

And as you may also know, I'm no princess or sidekicks daughter, but I'm also no villain, I don't belong in either Auradon or on the isle of the lost, I'm not bad, but I'm definitely not good

I'm not looking for my happy ever after, I don't have some evil master plan to do or revenge to plan, I'm simply just here, I'm just me

And this...

This is my story

I sat in the big tree in the garden, leaning my back to the trunk, one leg hanging the other bending on a branch, with a bag of sour candies, as I pecked inside an open window watching as crown prince ben stood in front for his parents getting fitted

" I've chosen my first official proclamation" Ben said to his parents, Ben his getting crowned as king soon

But you already knew that of course

This should be interesting, I thought as I threw another piece of candy into my mouth

"I've decided that the children on the isle of the lost be given a chance to live here in Auradon" he continued

The Beast and Belle was shocked to say the least

"Drama" I whispered to myself fishing for one of the blue pieces

"Every time I look out to the island" Ben looked out the window straight towards me

"Shit" i said with wide eyes and reacted fast


"I feel like they've been abandoned" he continued, he had clearly not seen me

One of the peeks about being a mischief cat with the ability to go invisible's daughter, was I could do it too, I only had to snap with my fingers, and since it wasn't directly magic but in fact part of my DNA, the fairy godmother couldn't do a thing about it


I continued watching and once again put a piece for candy into my mouth

"The children of our sworn enemies, living among us?!" The beast snapped back

I smiled to myself, as candy kept getting in my mouth

" We start out with a few at first, only the ones who need our help the most. I've already chosen them" Ben said, getting close to his parents, I moved a little out on the branch to get a better look

"Have you?" The beast asked, calmer than before, but still mad

Who might the lucky winner be, I thought, this was getting juicy

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