Chapter twenty nine

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When I reached the abandoned house in the forest, my tears had dried up, and the only thing I had in mind was finding my father, and it didn't take long

He was sitting in the same chair, I left him by the last time I was there, sitting smiling when he saw me floating down and landing in front of him

"We have some serious talking to do" I said and took a step towards him and crossed my arms

"Have you understood the meaning of the note I gave you?" He asked not moving an inch in his spot

"The truth lives in my memories, so I need you to talk right now before I lose my god damn mind" I said and he nodded, finally standing up from the chair

"Then you also know, I can tell you one thing and other people another, but you are the only person, who can find out what is really true and not" he said and I narrowed my brows

"You make zero sense" I said, and he smilled

"It's not suppose to, you will figure it out sooner or later" he said and started hovering off the ground, only a feet or so, as he looked down at me

"I can't give you your memory back, since it was taken away with magic more powerful than mine, but I can guide you" he then said and started to float away from the chair and went behind one of the few walls still standing, I looked around in the dark, before following behind him on the ground

When I went around the corner and was meet with him standing looking at the wall, at first I couldn't see it, but the blue light shining from my hair was just enough to see the outline of what looked like a drawn on tree

"What is that?" I asked, and looked at my father

"Look closer" he said and so I did, at a closer look a saw drawings of a cat, with a line to another, that one with a line to get another one, when it came to a drawing of a human, my father, and from him there was a line to a drawing of me, but there was yet another one from my father, but no drawing was at the end

"It's a family tree" my father said, and I looked at him

"Our family tree" he added and my head snapped back to the wall

"Why is it here?" I asked, moving my fingers over the cracked wall

"It's a story for another time" he said, and I gave a small confused nod

"This is all your grandfather, great grandfather, great great grandfather and so on" he said moving his finger on the wall as he talked

"Why am I the only girl and why is there and empty line there" I said pointing to the line beside my picture, and I heard my father sigh, before turning to me

"The line is for the next male Cheshire Cat, that comes after me" he said and I gave him a confused look

"Are you going to get another baby? But how?" I asked him, knowing well that my mother hadn't been around my whole life, and I know I hadn't seen my father in years, but I doubted he had found a wife and not already told about her

"Not really" he said and I could feel myself getting angry but all the nonsense, I came to get answers to my confusion, not to get more confused

"Talk English already, and tell me what then" I said, as I felt the glow in my eyes coming back strong, when my father saw the reddish colour, his eyes widened, before letting out a sigh

"You won't understand unless you remember" he said and walked out from behind the wall again leaving me alone looking at the wall

"What can I do to get it back?" I said as I stepped away from the wall looking at my father who was looking out over the trees

"Only you can get them back, I can help you, but you have to came with me" he said turning around facing me

"With you where?" I asked, even though I had a feeling I knew where he was talking about

"Home" he said, and I looked down, I loved visiting wonderland, but the thought of leaving everything I got to know, it didn't feel right, that's when I remembered what just had happened an hour ago, and it felt like the easiest decision in my life

"When are we leaving?" I asked, crossing my arms, and i Saw my fathers face turn into surprise

"Really? Just like that? Are you sure? I had like a whole speech ready and everything" my dad started and I rolled my eyes, and started to hover in the air

"I mean it, I want to get away from here, right now" I said, while my father stood stunned by my answer

"Trouble with the boyfriend?" He asked and scuffed at what he call Harry, but I was done telling people we weren't together, and hopefully before long, it would be clear to everyone

"Let's just say my so called boyfriend, tried to get me murdered" I said and me dad made a face of retaliation

" I take it as you met the father in law" he said raising his brows and I couldn't help but smirk, I had missed my dads sick humour

"Something like that" I said, and he nodded

" I get it, his a bitch" my dad said, and I couldn't contain my laughter anymore when I heard footsteps behind us, running as branches snapped under them

"Y/N!" I turned and saw Harry come running, and stopped on the ground a little away

" you have some nerve showing up here" my dad said and flew to my side

"Y/n please listen to me" Harry started but I cut him off

"No thanks, I'd rather not talk to people who tried luring me into a death trap" i Said with my arms crossed

"It wasn't suppose to happen" he said and took a step forward, my dad flew in front of me and hissed at Harry

"Stay away, from my daughter!" My dad yelled when more footsteps could be heard

"Will you look at that" the deep voice of hook could be heard as he emerged from the trees

"Hook" my father said, as the pirate laughed at my dad

"What's up with the whole father daughter thing, you know that's not true, it can't be, I know Cheshire cats don't have children, so I'm surprised to see two of you at the same time" hook said, which confused me, what did he mean by not having children, I was right there, and how else is he supposed to explain my father living or my grandfather

"I think it's time we leave" my dad said turning his back to the pirate on the ground and started to slow fly away, I turned my back to them as well as I followed my father, when Harry yelled out

"I LOVE YOU Y/n!" I stopped and turned looking at him, a expression of desperation and sadness could be seen in his face, but at that point I didn't believe anything about him anymore

"Then prove it" I said, pausing as I saw him standing in silence, before a flew a little closer

"And stay away from me" I said in a cold tune, before turning again, not waiting for him to answer as I flew away trying to catch up with my dad

As I got to his side we slowed down and he looked at me

"That was interesting" he said and smirked, and so did I

"Before we leave, we have to get my journal you have" my dad said and I gave a small nod, knowing full well I had to go to the ship and get it from my bed, and i was certain Harry would be there waiting for me


Movie 3 is almost coming up, but I don't know if I should continue it in another book or write movie 3 in this one too and then write the continuation in another book

What do you think, please let me know☺️

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