Chapter Twenty three

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"villian?" Uma asked and looked at me confused

"yeah" I said and looked down at the floor

" but isn't your father the Cheshire Cat" gil asked innocently as he scratched his head

"he is" I said in a quick responses

"But" gil started but I cut him off, I really didn't want to talk about it, and even if I did, I had nothing to tell them yet, nothing I can be a hundred precent sure about anyway

"The king?" I asked, and everyone started to smile in their own way, as if they already had forgotten about what we just were talking about

"He's below deck at the moment, and Mal should be here any moment" Uma said and smiled at harry, and he was smiling back at her

"great, ill go to him, call me when mal is here" I said and started to walk towards the back for to go to the ship, when harry grabbed my arm from behind, I turned and saw the whole crew was standing looking at me

"what?" I asked gently, I could see that harry was filled with a mix of emotions, while gil and Uma just looked worried

"are ya sure ya okay lass?" harry asked and I smiled, I couldn't tell him what has going on yet, because I didn't know if it was even true yet, and they had things to think about themselfs

"im fine" I said and slowly pulled my hand from harrys grib and turned my back and walked out, I felt bad for almost pushing harry and the others away, but I had to find out what was going on no matter what

as I slowly mad my way down the steps to below deck, the wood steps squeaked from under my weight

"uma, please, you don't have to do this, we can figure something out, together" I heard ben say from the darkness, I stepped down the last few steps and took landturn down from the wall and lit it with my lighter

as I did, the sight of ben tide up to a poll sitting on the floor in the middle faced me, as I steeped closer

"thank good" ben said and he saw me "we don't have much time, can you untied the rope" he said with hope in his eyes, but it soon faded, when I didn't move to free him, but placed the landturn on the floor in front of him and squared down infant of him too

"im so sorry ben" I said, and the realization hit him

"you... you told them I was here" he said, with sadness in his voice, I almost felt sorry for him, but then again, he new about my father for all this time and said nothing

"I need to know everything you know about my father, and then ill maybe consider letting you go" I said, and smiled to him, we sat in silence for a minute, when he sighed

"because time is so weird in wonderland, your dad might look in his forties, but in reality he should be around a few hundred years old" he said, and if that was true, it explain the thing with being the first, but not the part about being a villain

"he use to travel from wonderland, to here, exploring the world and meeting new people, and with the personality he have he was always looking for mischief, he had an extraordinary ability to imagine how things would play out, take Captain Hook for an example, your dad spent some time in Neverland, and he saw hook, he had some anger, and some pride to him, so your dad lied to him, saying as soon as the lost boys grow up Peter Pan would kill them, and that's way they technically never grow up" ben started, it was a lot to take in, but I was so intrigued by the story, I no longer was in a squad position but had sat down, holding my head up with my hand

"your dad helped hook escape, but Peter Pan followed, wanting to know why hook was so upset,hook started to fight Peter in fear and Peter fought back, at somepoint Peter says it was like he wasn't in control of himself anymore, and he cut the young hooks hand off and gave it to tic Toc, and as soon as he did, your dad came into view and Peter was himself again" he said and I cut him off

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