Chapter Thirty

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I made my dad wait a little away, as I landed on the deck of the ship, I took slow steps trying not to wake anyone up, but no matter how careful steps I took, a loud squeaky noise came from the wooden boards, or maybe it was just me

I made it to my room without waking anyone, and I quietly grabbed my bag and the journal, as I looked around for more stuff to bring, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, I was still wearing the jacket Harry had giving me, the same night, and I could have sworn for just a second I saw him standing behind me smiling, like he had done as I tried it on infront of the mirror

I put my bag down and slowly took off the jacket, I held it in my hands looking at it, a rush of sadness came over me, but was in an instant replaced with anger, as all the thing we had done, the things he had said, all about him just was a lie to please his psycho father

"Love me, my ass" I whispered as I threw the jacket on my bed, and bend over to grab my bag

"Y/n?" A voice behind me said, and I almost jumped out of my skin, I turned around and saw a sleepy Gil, standing in my door, robbing his eyes

"Sorry Gil, did i wake you?" I asked him, and he shook his head, I felt bad leaving him, he had became like a little brother to me, even tho he was older, but as long as I didn't know about the past, I couldn't trust anyone, that lesson had Harry taught me

"Not really, uma haven't returned, I was waiting for her to came back" he said and I gave a small nod, and a smile

"Weren't you going to spend the night with Harry's family?" Gil then asked, I picked my bag up, I was hesitant about tell Gil all that had happened, but I didn't even have to, for only a few seconds after I had swung the bag over my shoulder, yelling came from outside the ship

"Y/N!" Harry's voice ringed through the walls of the ship, I sighed, as I saw Gil looking back towards the stairs and back at me

"Is that Harry?" He asked confused, and I started to walk to him and out the door

"Yep" I said, as I walked past him, towards the stairs, with Gil behind me

When I came up on deck, Harry was crossing over by the plank, his eyes widened as he saw me, and his steps became faster, until he was a few feet away, and he stopped

"Y/n listen to me please" he said, in almost a desperate way, but I didn't want to hear another word come out of his mouth, but for a second, the small part of me, that wanted to believe it all was a misunderstanding, took over me, and I stood in silence, and crossed my arms

"It's true, I told meh father about ya, but I didn't know he wanted to kill ya dad or ya, I never knew" he said, and I rolled my eyes at him, like he didn't know, I didn't believe a single word

I started to hover of the ground, when I felt Harry grab my ankle and I looked down

"Don't go" he said, but I just looked away, after a few seconds I heard a sigh from him, and his grip disappeared from my leg, without looking down, I started to fly back towards my dad, maybe it was because I knew looking at him for too long would make it to hard for me to leave, or maybe I was afraid my anger would take over me and I would do something I'd regret

"I love ya" Harry yelled again, like it had become is go to line, when trying to get me to stay, maybe he believed if he said it enough times, I would forget about what happened tonight, but everytime he said it, I grew more and more angry at him

I stopped flying and turning in the air, facing towards them, their looked so small from the height I was up in, I looked at them for a few moments, and I could see they were waiting for me to say something, Harry with sadness and Gil with confusion in his eyes? But I never said and word, I just turned again, and flew away

I reunited with my dad, in the forest a little away from the ship, when I landed he looked at me with his eyebrows raised, as in asking me if, I got it and I pulled it up from my bag, giving it to him

" long time no see pal" my dad said as he rubbed his hand over the book, he then held it up in front of his face, and said something almost in a whisper that I didn't hear, when his eyes started to glow, it only lasted for a few seconds, when it stopped and he held out the book to me again, I took the book and he gestured for me to open it up, so I did, the journal was changed, there was many more words and pages in it than before and it was more detailed in its description, I scanned some of the pages, when I saw something in one of the corners

"What does Cheshire care the fifth mean?" I asked and looked up at my dad

"That's your grandfather, I'm the sixth, you the seventh" he said and I gave a small nod and continued to flip through the pages, when I saw my dad, the sixth, and then empty pages

"Is that?" I asked, and this time it was my fathers turn to give me a nod

"It's yours, where you'll write about your life" he said and I smiled, when I suddenly remembered something

"You said, there was going to be a male Cheshire Cat after you, what did you mean?" I asked him, and my dad let out a sigh, he walked over and sat on a fallen tree trunk and slapped the space beside him, I closed the book and slowly walked over and sat down

We sat in silence for a moment, before my father decided to speak

"Have you ever heard the saying that a cat has nine life's?" My dad asked and I smirked

"You should just know" I said remembering ever time someone had used it as a threat in some way

"It's true, but maybe not in the way you may think" my dad said and paused before continuing

"When a Cheshire Cat dies, a blue glowing light comes out of their body, their souls if you can say so, and takes the form of a small child, the new Cheshire Cat, and when a souls have lived nine times, it doesn't come back, there by come the nine life thing" my dad says, and I nodded my head as if it made perfect sense even though nothing about it did

"But you're not dead? How can I be a Cheshire Cat then?" I asked, and my dad looked at his feet

"Back when your grandfather lived, he pissed off someone really powerful, and they cursed him to a life with anger and hatred, so his mischief turned to violence and evil, but he was able to council it, but what he didn't know, was that it would pas on to me, since it it was a curse of the soul" my dad told, and I felt like a child getting told a bed time story

"When I found out, I went to the one person I knew, could help me, and he told me the only way he could help was by splitting the souls in half, the bad from the good, so he did" my dad said and paused, before looking in my eyes

"Y/n, you were born from the cursed part of my soul"

Should I end the book here and continue it in a new book or continue it here?☺️

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