Chapter twelve

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Y/n PoV


My father had killed someone, and his eyes were purple as mine is starting to be, what does that for me, am I in danger? Am I dangerous?! Who was the man?

I was staring blank at the page, my head racing, when I sudden heard Harry's voice

"Y/n?" He asked and I looked up at him, wide eyed

"What does it say?" He asked, taking the book and started to read, as I just stared out over the Black Sea, Harry closed the book and put it beside him before turning to me a little

"Hey, it's okay, there must be some sort of explanation, I'm sure of it" he put his hand on mine, and I turned my attention to him once again, the moon light was hitting is eyes just right, so the blue colour clear as day, his ocean eyes

"See? Your eyes is blue, not purple" as the sun had completly set, my eyes had started to glow

I smiled at him, He didn't say anything and neither did I, none of us moved, until he started to get close and closer, our faces was just inches apart, and as your lips brushed each others

"Y/N!? Is that you?" I flinched, moving away from Harry, turning head head and looked to the side, where saw Matt come walking towards us

"Oh hey Matt, sorry I didn't see you" I said and he stopped a few feet away, but he wasn't looking at me

"Can you playing around and do so I can see all of you again" he crossed his arms and I got confused

"I can see your eyes" he said, raising a brow

Was I invisible? But how I don't even snap

"What are you doing here alone btw, it's midnight, it's not safe" he said and I turned my head and looked at Harry, who was looking as confused as me, I looked down, and saw I was still touching his hand, i looked at Matt and I moved my hand away from Harry's

"OH SHIT, Harry, what are.. how are you" Matt jumped back, as he noticed Harry, I put my hand slowly back on Harry's and matts face went from shook to confusion

"What the.." he said and I started laughing so hard, I let go of Harry's hand again, and snapped my fingers

"That was great" I said as I laughed

"How did you?" He asked and I shrugged

"What is harry doing here?" Matt then continued, while crossing his arms

"I promised to show him auradon earlier" I said and looked at Harry who smiled a soft smile to me

"Oh, okay, mind if I join?" He said and I nodded, even though Harry's looked slightly annoyed by it

Matt sat down on the other side of me, also hanging out his feet

"So what else can you do I don't know about?" Matt asked, and I looked over at Harry and pointed to the book, he gave it to me and I opened it up, I turned back to the page about hook and looked at the picture of the jolly rogers for a few seconds before closing the book again

I looked at Matt and put out my hand to him, he looked confused before taking it, I then turned to Harry and took out my other hand, he smiled and placed his hand in mine

I looked out over the sea, and closed my eyes, trying to picture the ship far out, with its sail set, and people singing

I opened my eyes, Matt and Harry both looked to the direction I saw looking, and before stopped breathing

Out on the sea, a big ship, was sailing, and you could hear the music and a sea shanty being song

"That's amazing, but why a ship?" Matt asked, and I turned my head to look at Harry

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