chapter fourty

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Y/n pov

It had been almost an hour of us being back on the isle, and I knew that I had to go get hades, at this point, but instead I had been pacing the deck, constantly looking at the bottle, while the others had decided to go into the restaurant, for something to eat.

I wanted to say goodbye, but I didn't want them to know, I didn't want them to worry or try to stop me

"What are ya up to kitten?" Harry's voice was calm and gentle as I heard his steps on the wooden plank from the dock to the ship, I turned my head towards him and his happy expression quickly faded as he saw that I was anything but that "hey, what's wrong?" He asked as he stopped a little away from me, I slowly slid the bottle in my pocket, and walked over to him, and without saying a word, I wrapped my arms around him

He wrapped his around me as well, and rubbed my back, and his scent and touch was enough to break me, tears started to stream down my face, and on to his shirt, as he rubbed circles on my back

"Kitten what's going on?" He asked, and I sniffed a few times before pulling away, trying my best to keep as calm as I could.

"My dad is dying" I said, and he nodded slowly "M is bringing my father here, to try and help him, but I'm afraid it won't work" I said and wiped at my eyes.

"Aye" Harry said, lifting my head, with his hook at my chin "it's going to be okay, I'll help ya get through this, just tell me what to do, and I'll be at ya'r service" he said and smiled, and I nodded slowly, he leaned down and placed a kiss on my lips.

"Harry" I said and he titled his head a bit, but I chickened out, and just shook my head, he giggled and wrapped an arm around me, before walking down to our rooms, I hadn't been there since I left, and I felt my chest tightened as we got closer.

Harry pushed open the door to my room, an as it slowly moved, I cloud see my room being lit by a small candle, my room was completely clean, as if someone had fixed it while I was gone, and on the bed, needly speed out was the blue coat, Harry had gotten me the day I left with my dad, and also the day, hook was trying to kill me.

"I cleaned in here, if by any chance ya would come back " Harry said as he stood behind me in the door, I walk in and over to my bed, picking up the jacket and looking at it, still as clean and nice as the day I got it, I laid it down on my side table and sat down in my bed " I was actually thinking about something" Harry said and walked in, I looked up at him

"What?" I asked quietly and he scratched the back of his neck

"I was wondering if ya would maybe like to go with me to neverland" he asked, and I could feel the nervousness in his voice, I looked down at the floor and back at Harry

"I would love too" I said, and he smiled

"I'll let ya get some rest, it has been a long day" he said and winked at me, before going to the door, before he closed it he turned and looked at me
"Good night kitten" he said and blew me a kiss and he closed the door behind him, as I heard his footsteps walk up the stairs to deck and slowly fade away above me I stood up, and was about to leave, when I turned and looked at the jacket, I slowly walked over and grabbed it, before swinging it around my shoulders, I opened the drawer and grabbed a pen and a piece of paper and started to write on it

Dear Uma, Gil and Harry

I know I have just returned to you and I know there is still so much to be said and done together, but unfortunately I don't have the time. My time here is up and I don't only mean here with you, but in life itself, my father is dying and I'm sacrificing my soul for him to live on, just like he did to let me experience life, even if it was for a little while...

just know that every second I lived, was worth it. I have tried and felt it all, sadness, loneliness, happiness, anger, friendship, love...

just know that i'll be with you every second forward, even if you can not see me

uma and gil, thank you for being my friends and being there for me through hard times

Harry, thank you for loving me, and thank you for giving me someone to love...

When i had finished the letter, tears had started to travel down my cheeks again, and i knew it was time to get some rest, i folded the letter and put it in my nightstand, before looking down at the jacket on my bed, i gently lifted it, and hugged it tightly into my chest, before laying down, and holding it tightly against me, before crying myself to sleep.


The next morning, I was up before the others. M wasnt back yet, and I feared that it had already been too late, but I didn't lose the small piece of hope I had in me. i put on my jacket and walked out on deck and sat down with my feet hanging of the edge, i put im hand in my pocket and pulled out the gem and the bottle, i sighed as i let every moment from my life replay in my mind, maybe i couldn't remember them all, but i had this feeling in me, a feeling of complement and peace.

"ya'r up early lassie" i shoved the things back in my pocket so fast i almost dropped them, before looking over my shoulder at harry

"i couldn't sleep" i said as he sat down beside me, i placed my head on his shoulder as we looked out over the water, and i remember the day at the cliff were we had our first kiss, i looked at him, he looked at peace as he looked out, i grabbed his hand, and he looked at me and smiled, i nodded sideways out towards the water and he turned his head back, before his eyes widen slightly before they softened, i followed his gaze and saw the jolly rogers sailing in the horizon

"i'll never get tired of ya doing that lassie" he said softly, as the sound of sea sanity's could be heard from far away, and the thought of me never being able to show his home again when he wasn't there, made me slowly pull my hand from his and look down

"are ya okay?" he asked, and i nodded softly

"ya i'm just tired" i answered and looked up at him, putting the best fake smile i could on my face

"we are going to the bridge today, uma said mal have something to show us, the whole isle will be there" he said, and i looked back out again

"i think i'll just stay here and get some rest" i said and he nodded, and stood up pulling me with him, he wrapped his arms around my back, and i placed mine around his neck

"i love ya lassie" he said, and my heart dropped, i looked down, trying to hold back the tears that was creeping in my tears "its okay if you don't want to say it yet, but i just never want you to forget that you mean everything to me, and i'll keep reminding you to the day i die" he said, and lifted my head up making me look him in the eyes, before placing a gentle kiss on my lips

"or to the day i do" my voice was nothing but a whisper, and harry looked at me puzzled

"what did ya say?" he asked, and i just shook my head

"nothing, now go, before you miss the surprise" i said hitting him on the shoulder, but really i just need him to go before it would be too hard to let him go

"al'right" he said and kissed my check before making his way of the ship "I'll see you later lassie" he said waving as he walked away, and the small piece of my heart that was still whole shattered, since i knew, that he in fact wouldn't...


hey guys, i already had a chapter laying unfinished, so here it is.

i'll still see if i can get another one out later today


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