Chapter thirty seven

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Y/n PoV

My what now, I thought as I looked at the small bottle that was now placed in my hand

"And what am I supposed to do with this" I ask, holding the bottle by the neck

"Bring you father to me, and the stone, once they are here drink it, your soul will leave your body and I can direct it into your father" hades said, with his arms crossed over his chest

"So I have to..." I paused, I already knew the answer, but for some reason I wanted to hear him say it

"You will have to die, yes" he said gently, as if his words alone was enough to kill me right then and there. I held the bottle in my hand, looking as the blue liquid moved around it it, I wrapped my fingers around it, and looked up at hades

"I'll do it" I said and he raised his eyebrows

"This is interesting" he said and started to circle around me

"What?" I asked, spinning my head around, following him

"You" he answered, as he continued to walk around me " I have seen how you use to be, before you were a person of your own, and what stands here before me, is not that person" he said stopping infront of me

"Who did I use to be? I mean my father" I said and he smiled softly

"Selfish, stubborn, evil" was the three words that left his mouth "anyway you better get going, time is ticking" he said before walking back to his chair and sitting down, I couldn't help but think this was too easy, I took a risk, bursting into his home and demanding his help, he didn't was much as argue with me

"Why did you help me? And why don't you hate him like the rest of the isle?" I asked and he took a sip of his cup, before placing it down and throwing out his hands

"Why should I? He didn't do anything to me, I was born this way, I didn't turn evil" he said and sighed "your father was my best friend, I know it's not his fault I'm here, now go!" He said shu'ing me away with his hands, I smiled and gave him a small nod before turning around and running back out and back to auradon

Back on the isle i search for the group for a while, and when I couldn't find them the place I left them, I decided to start in the Forrest and work my way op to the castle

The forest was silent and as I walked, I past the small cliff side me and Harry had been sitting on the night before our first kiss, and I couldn't help but smile to myself as the memories of him traveled through my mind

"Get your shit together y/n" I whispered to myself, but I couldn't help it, I loved M, but he was so far from Harry, sure M made me feel save and loved, but so did Harry, plus he made me feel like myself, like I had meaning, and I had more good memories in one year with him, than I did with M I two, but I couldn't forgive him for what he did, he tried to get me killed, or maybe he didn't, I didn't know anymore, but it didn't matter soon enough I wouldn't be here anymore, so I could care less

Just as I was halfway through the forest I heared a stick snap a little away and froze, I looked around but saw nothing, other than the trees moving in the wind, I was about to continue walking when another one snapped, and I popped my fangs out and hissed, as a warning to who ever it was along with my claws

"Who's there?!" I yelled, as if I was in a lame horror movie, no one answered
"You don't scare me, show yourself or I'll rip your eyes out when I find you!" I yelled and just as I did a big dog like beast jumped out from between some trees and roared at me, the more I looked at it the more familiar the beast looked

"Ben?" I whispered, but he didn't answer, I dropped my arms to my side "damn you're a big dog" I said, and as an answer he took a step forward and roared even louder this time

"Okay, maybe I'm a little scared" I said and started running for my life, usually I'm not that bothered my dogs, but Ben was big enough to bite me in half, and I wouldn't die by something so dumb as getting killed by a dog

As I ran I could hear him running right behind me, I had too much adrenaline in my body to fly, and I would surely crash with a tree if I tried and invisibility sure wouldn't help, with that nose of his

After a few minutes of running I was starting to get tired, when I heard voice close by

"HARRY!" I yelled, even though I couldn't see if it was even him, I looked over my shoulder, but I couldn't see Ben anymore, and just as I was about to stop and look forward again I crash straight into someone

"Y/n?!" I looked and saw Harry, he had placed his hands on my shoulders holding me still as I breathed heavily
"What's wrong?!" Jay, carols and Gil was also there, they all looked very confused, when suddenly dude talked

"Wow something stinks and it wasn't me this time" and he was right, something did smell, just as I looked behind me Ben once again jumped out from behind some trees, sending them all on guard, Harry pulled me behind him, as dude screamed and ran away, Ben let out a roar before charging towards Gil, but carols pulled him aside sending Ben into a tree, before looking over his shoulder at us, before this time running straight towards me and Harry, Harry pushed me away and hit out after Ben with his hook, Ben once again missed, before once again making an attempt at Harry, but jay was fast and pulled harry away, Ben walked over towards some tree, looking at us

"You need some serious nose adjustment" Harry said as he stood in front of me as a shield

"I'm not so sure about that, Ben did aurdrey do this to you?" Carols asked as he walked closer to Ben his hand out to try and calm him, at that point I was exhausted, I backed away from the guys and sat down on a tree truck

Harry looked over his shoulder and came over to me and knelled down
"Are ya okay?" He asked looking at me

"I'm find, Just never need to run so much before" I said, out of breath and Harry smirked

"So it's true" he said and I looked up at him "cats really is afraid of dogs, no matter how though the kitten is" he said and I rolled my eyes

"Very funny" I said and Harry smiled and looked down before back up at me

"I missed ya kitten" he said and I looked at him, I was about to say it back, when carols saved me

"Hey" I looked up and saw Jane standing completely drenched and Ben was back to Ben, or mostly Ben, I was about to stand up and walk over to them when Harry grabbed my wrist

"Before, when you were running, was it ya who called me name?" I looked at Harry then back up at the others

"I need to find Mal" was the only thing that left my lips before I stood up and leaped of the ground

Shit, he was right, for a second I thought I was going to die, and I called out to him, even though I didn't know he was there

"Fuck, I still love Harry"


So I'm back, I will continue this story and finish it, and if you guys want I already have a plan for a book two, but I will only write it if you guys want to read it, so let me know, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter☺️

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