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I'm frozen in place. My limbs go numb.


It echos in my ears. The name that hasn't been spoken in such a long time. The name that I've forgotten belongs to me.

"There you go," Bucky's voice rumbles low in my ear. "Don't worry, I've got you." He slowly relaxes his hold on me.

I look down at his arms wrapped around me. One arm is made of metal, it shines subtly in the low glow of the room. It's cool against my skin and the feeling seems to penetrate all the way to my bone. His other arm is warm flesh, his muscles flex as he holds me. He's hybrid? I've only seen a couple other humans like this before. HYDRA was experimenting with different body parts as weapons and the metal on his arm looks eerily similar to the kind they used. I'm glad I was never chosen for that part of the experimenting, the screams that I heard coming from those rooms are tattooed into my mind and still send me chills.

I feel his chest against my back, radiating heat into me like a furnace. "I know you're scared, but please trust us that we want to help you."

No. I can't trust, not anymore.

If they work for HYDRA though, there's no use trying to fight. I'm too weak right now anyways to give myself any chance.

My body relaxes and I try to hold back the trembling in my arms. Tears start to form and I quickly close my eyes to conceal them. I can't let my emotions get out of hand. Not now. Not now. Shut it down. I open my eyes again and let out a shaky breath.

Steve walks up next to us. "You're quick," he breathes out a laugh. "Should have remembered. You almost had me there." He rubs the back of his neck.

Bucky loosens his arms around me and takes a step back. I turn around to face him, trying to look the opposite of what I'm feeling. He stares back at me, the look of heartbreak and worry written across his face. "I know it's hard to trust again, but it's something I need you to try to do."

I can't trust. And I don't like the way he's looking at me. Don't pity me.

Steve speaks,"We'll show you to your room and we'll leave you to yourself for a while. You can get cleaned up and then we have dinner in the common area."

I consider it. Maybe they are telling me the truth. This Steve does look like my brother. He sounds and acts just like him too. It almost pains me the way he sounds exactly how I remember. Why would they want to help me though? Do they work for someone else who is trying to uncover information? I keep digging for reasons why they would want to help, but all I can think about is just needing to escape. There has to be another way out of here, maybe I should let them show me around. That way I can plan out my route. When I know where I am, then I can formulate a better plan.

"Okay," I finally say, my voice sounds small. Not what I had hoped it would sound like.

A hint of a smile appears on Steve's face. "Okay." He nods his head and calls out, "FRIDAY, open the door." I hear a loud click and the door in front of us unlocks. FRIDAY must be some kind of automated security system. I make sure to make a mental note of that.

Steve steps ahead of me and pulls the door open. He steps out into the hallway. I wait for Bucky to do the same, but when he doesn't, I turn to see what he is doing. He walks back over to the bed and takes one of the blankets off of it. He comes back over to me and drapes the blanket around my shoulders. The bottom falls just above my feet, covering me completely. I look at him in confusion.

"You're freezing," he says softly.

I didn't even realize the goosebumps that cover my skin. I suddenly feel embarrassed? Nervous? The gesture is small, but it does make me feel more comfortable. I feel the heat begin to seep back into me. The butterflies in my stomach make me look away from his eyes. My cheeks feel warm. What was this? Why did I feel like this?

Flowers in the Darkest Parts: Bucky Barnes X OCWhere stories live. Discover now