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My eagerness for you is uncanny. Hearing you say that you love me exhilarated every part of me, every part of my flesh and bone. I can't think of anything else in this entire world that could make me any happier. You're my girl, you always have been. You've been there for me since the very beginning. You've helped me navigate this ridiculous life of ours, even when everything seemed so chaotic. Even now, so many years later, you make me remember why I need to keep pushing forward.

I continue to kiss you, rolling my tongue around your mouth, wanting every single part of you. I drag my hand down your side, running over your breast and grabbing your waist. The way you squirm beneath me makes me crazy beyond all reason and I know I can't hold myself back much longer.

I turn you sideways on the couch. Your body is still recovering from your orgasm, your limbs heavy and weak. You lay there with your eyes closed and your cheeks tinted a rosy shade of pink. Kneeling between your legs, I shrug off my jacket and toss it on the back of the couch. I unbutton my pants and grab my cock in my fist, it's already rock-hard and almost hurts from how full it is.

Rubbing it against your pussy, I take in the wetness, the pleasure I've given you. You whine in response to my touch. My cock throbs thinking of how you will feel around me, ready for me. I climb up over you and place my elbows on either side of your head. My cock is lined up right at your entrance and I can tell how bad you want it by the whimpers that are coming from your mouth. I smooth down the sides of your hair and kiss your lips. "So fucking perfect."

Right as I'm about to push inside you, you place your hand on my chest. "Fuck me hard, Bucky."

It throws me off, but only for a second. "I don't want to hurt you."

"You won't. I know you won't."

And you're right. I would never. You trust me enough to know I would never hurt you, no matter the circumstance. Just you putting that much trust in me makes my cock even harder and I finally push myself inside of you. You cry out in pleasure, taking me in all the way to my base. I groan as well, feeling how warm and wet you are. I let you settle, getting used to the girth of my cock inside of you.

"Good girl," I grind out, my voice gravelly in your ear.

Then I'm thrusting into you, each movement smooth and rhythmic and just the way I know you like it. I kiss you hard, eager for your mouth, eager for your pretty pink lips. I move from your lips down to your neck, alternating kissing and nipping you, enjoying the sounds you make while I bite you. You moan my name while I drive myself into you and it's all that I can do to hold it together.

You feel so fucking good wrapped around me. Your hands rake down my back, teasing every inch of my skin. Your breathing in my ear is hot and breathy, such a turn on because I know I'm the one making you sound like that. This night has gone perfectly, better than I ever could have hoped. And I'm going to make sure it ends perfect too.

I pull your hips so I can take you deeper, angling my body so my cock rubs right against your clit.
Your moans grow louder with each thrust, telling me I'm doing exactly what you want me to do. A thin layer of sweat forms on my forehead even though the air around us is crisp with a late summer breeze.

Your nails dig into my back sending a shiver of desire straight through me. "Oh, please," you moan. The sound off your lips is so seductive, so full of want, asking me for more. I can tell your pleasure is building, you're almost there. I just have to give it to you a little bit more.

I pick up my speed, driving into you hard, "I'm never ever letting you go. Do you hear me?"

You moan loudly, "Yes. Please, never let me go."

Flowers in the Darkest Parts: Bucky Barnes X OCWhere stories live. Discover now