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I shrug on my leather jacket and look at my leather gloves hesitantly. I'm still self-conscious of people seeing my metal arm, especially people that I don't know. It's been a while now, but people still look at me like I'm the Winter Soldier. I know it shouldn't bother me. I know I'm not that person anymore, but it still doesn't take away the fear I see on people's faces when they realize who I am. It's easier just to cover it up and do my best to keep that part of me hidden. So I put the gloves on anyway.

I keep checking my phone for the time. I haven't been this nervous to go on a date in a while. When I started seeing Sharon, I was nervous because I hadn't been on a date in years. But now I'm nervous because I'm going on a date with you.

I pace around in the living room waiting for you, trying to find anything to distract myself and pass the time. Steve enters from the hallway and walks over to me. "You sure it's a good idea for you to be going out?"

I turn to him, "We're not gonna go that far. We won't even be out that late. I'm just taking her out to dinner, that's all. I think it'll be good for her, to see how things are now." I try not to sound defensive, but it comes out a little harsher than I want. I know it's probably not the best idea I've ever had and try to ignore that fact.

"I can make decisions for myself you know," you appear behind us. You're sneaky, I hadn't even heard you walk in. Steve and I spin on our heels to face you. You finish faceting up your necklace then fluff out your hair.

You look incredible. You're wearing a red sundress, tight at your waist and then flowing out down just above your knees. It accentuates every part of your perfect body and my heart flutters. You also wear little white lace-up shoes, perfect for dancing. Your necklace is a dainty gold chain with a simple sun charm that hangs in the middle of your chest. You don't wear a lot of makeup, just some mascara and a hint of red lip gloss. Your hair is down in messy curls, making it look like you just came from the beach. It reminds me of the night that I first laid eyes on you at the Expo. My mouth hangs open in awe. You are the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen.

"You know I just worry about you," Steve says to you, folding his arms across his chest.

You give him an appreciative smile, "I know."  You point a finger at me, "But he'll be with me the entire time, and I do have that killer uppercut."

Words are still not forming in my brain. I can't take my eyes off of you. They trail up your toned legs to your hips that are wrapped just right in that dress, to your chest and your neck that I just want to sink my teeth into. I feel Steve's hand go under my chin and he closes my mouth for me.

"Don't hurt yourself now," Steve laughs at me.

I scratch my head, instantly embarrassed. I can't help but laugh at myself, I'm such a fool around you. Finally, my short-circuit of a brain catches up to reality, "Wow, Rose. You look... amazing. "

You give me the sweetest little smile and I see your cheeks go pink. "So do you."

Wanda yells your name from her bedroom. You give me an apologetic look and then go to her, disappearing out of sight.

Steve turns to me, his voice low, "We're going to have to bring her to Wakanda sooner than later. They're the only ones that can make sure she's free from HYDRA's control."

I frown. "I know."

It took me months of being in Wakanda to get my mind back. It was draining, physically, mentally and emotionally. It will take weeks of meditation and focus before you're completely free from HYDRA. You'll be gone for a while and I just can't get myself to give you up yet. It might be selfish of me, but I just need one more night with you.

Steve's expression softens. "She makes you happy, doesn't she?"

I look back at him, "I haven't been this happy in a long time. She's something special."

"That she is," he grins.

You come walking back out of the hallway, "Ready?"


Steve ushers us to the elevator, "Alright love birds, don't be out too late."  You step through the doors. "Take care of her tonight, got it?"

I nod to him, "I wouldn't plan on anything else."

"And I know you Buck, no funny business." He pats my shoulder and I step inside.

Your face goes crimson red, "Steve!"

I smile, and the elevator doors close. Steve's right, you do make me happy. And what I said is true, I haven't been this happy in a long time. I was constantly feeling like something was missing, a gap that I couldn't quite fill. Now I know you were my missing piece.

We get down to the parking garage and head over to my parking spot. As we walk, you eye all the different sports cars that Tony has parked down here. "Which one is yours?"

We pass by a yellow Mustang and my motorcycle comes into sight on the other side of it. You stop and stare wide-eyed. "Nuh uh."

I can't read your expression. Your eyes scan over my bike, taking it all in. Then you break out into a smile, "This is awesome." You go up to it for a closer look, running your hand up the seat and grabbing onto the handlebars. You turn to me, beaming, "Let's go."

I breathe out a laugh. Always up for an adventure. I walk up next to you and kiss your forehead, "You better hold on tight."

                                          • • •

We pull up to the restaurant. I chose a little hole-in-the-wall place called Hayseed. It's a smaller spot, not a lot of attention is drawn to it. It's one of my favorites because of that reason. They always have live bands and I can sit back in the shadows and just appreciate the music. I go here quite a bit, I reminds me a lot of the places I used to go when I was younger, when there were a lot fewer things we had to worry about.

I take your hand and we walk side by side into the restaurant. All eyes are on you when we enter through the doors. Your beauty is beyond words, you don't even have to try. Those blue eyes could snag anyone in this room, they would be caught before they even knew what hit them. You've always been pretty to me, but now I see you in a different way. You completely take my breath away and you don't even notice the way you affect me. You're too humble to even see that everyone in the bar is wondering who you are, who you're with.

I smile to myself, because you're with me.

We sit down at a table toward the back and order a couple drinks from the waitress. Your eyes are darting around the room, taking in everything you possibly can. There are old antiques that hang up on the walls, old pictures and artifacts that give the place a retro/rustic feel. You grab your drink and wander over to one of the walls, studying the pictures on it. They're pictures of old New York, black and white photos of people walking down the streets, standing and posing for the shot and just living their life. Another reason I like this place, it reminds me that my life before HYDRA was real, that it meant something. That it means something now.

I just sit back and watch you. You study the images so intensely, running your finger along the frame. You turn your eyes to me and catch me staring, I can't help but smile. You stick out your tongue at me and laugh. Everything you do, you do with such spirit. You would always wear your heart right out on your sleeve, putting the most vulnerable parts of you out there. This is the first time since you've been here that I've seen you let your guard down completely. You must finally feel safe enough to let the old you show.

I gesture you back to the table. You join me, sporting the biggest grin on your face.

I cock my head, "What's that face for?"

"I love this place," your eyes are full of life. "This is perfect, Bucky."

Your words pull at my heartstrings. The old you is coming back, your sunshine personality is being dug back up. If I can be the man to make you this happy all the time, then I'll do it. I'll do it every goddamn day.

Flowers in the Darkest Parts: Bucky Barnes X OCWhere stories live. Discover now