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Another 20 minutes go by. I lean back in my seat, watching a couple interact with each other at the back of the club as they walk back to their car. They're holding hands, the girl laughs and kisses the man on the cheek. Your face pops up into my mind, your smile, the dimples in your cheeks, the way your eyes squint when you laugh. I tear my eyes away from the couple and shake the thought from my head.

I have to stop thinking of you. You don't want me.

There's static over the comms set and a distorted voice crackles through. My ears strain, but I can't make out who it is or what the voice says.

Steve's voice comes over, "Natasha, is that you? Repeat. You're breaking up."

Another distortion of voice and static.

"I thought your technology was supposed to be halfway decent, Stark," Sam's voice comes on.

"That's the problem, genius. There shouldn't be a problem," Tony fires back.

The pit in my stomach is back, my heart begins to pound.

Tony's voice again, "Okay, try again. I maxed the intake server."

Wanda's voice is heard now, loud and clear, "We need you guys in here, now!"

"It's Rose," Natasha's voice is distressed. "She's been compromised."

My heart sinks to my stomach. I rip open the car door and sprint to the club's back entrance. Every step I take doesn't feel fast enough as my feet pound the asphalt. I finally make it to the door, not taking the time to see if it's locked or not, and slam into it. The door flies open, smashes against the wall, and hangs on by one hinge. I run through a small corridor and then into a big open room. I frantically look around. It's dark, smoke emanates from the dance floor and lights flash in a dizzying pattern. There are people everywhere, in every inch of the club. As my eyes begin to adjust, I scan the room for the others, needing to find them fast.

I spot Natasha talking to Steve at the bar, they're urgently making their way to the back of the club. I make my way to them, pushing and squeezing past the clubgoers.

I get up to them, Natasha's face is concerned and she won't look me in the eyes. "They took her to the back. I don't know what's going on, but she's not responding."

I don't hesitate, I push my way to the back of the club where I see the VIP section. Three men stand guard next to a black curtain at the back. I'm filled with absolute rage. If my mind wasn't racing fast enough already, it's firing at top speed now. My blood is boiling just seeing the smug looks on the men's faces. They see me approaching them and ready their positions. I rip down the velvet rope and go right up to one of the men, throwing my fist at him.

He's fast and blocks me, I go at him again and knock him in the jaw. I continue to fight him hand to hand. The guy next to him sends a cheap shot to my cheek, momentarily knocking me into a daze. I'm fast to recover though and jump back into fighting. The adrenaline coursing through me makes me feel no pain. Steve jumps in and starts hammering the second one. The clubgoers start to scream and run for the exits. Our cover is completely blown, but at this point, I don't care.

I knock the man I'm fighting with off balance, pushing him towards Natasha. She jumps onto him and grapples him around the neck. Steve, already knocking his guy out, puts the third guy into a choke hold, and lifts him off the ground.

He looks to me, "Bucky, go find her!"

I tear past the curtain and come out into another large room. It's dimly lit by a single lightbulb in the center. I see the silhouettes of two men at the back of the room heading to a door. They freeze when they hear me enter. One of the men turns and walks toward me. He stops directly under the light, letting its shadows emphasize his jagged, scarred face.

Flowers in the Darkest Parts: Bucky Barnes X OCWhere stories live. Discover now