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Rosalie Rogers, my best girl. One of the only girls that stuck up with my stubborn ass for all those years growing up. You also coincidentally happen to be my best friend's little sister. We knew each other throughout school and you were always around when Steve and I hung out.

After high school, we lost touch. You went off to University while I decided to enlist in the army. You were always so smart. You really wanted to make something of yourself and I had no doubts that you would.

I thought about you from time to time, wondered what crazy things you were up to. I never reached out though, I knew you were out there living your best life and too good to worry about someone like me.

We somehow found each other again one night, having both gone to the Stark Expo. You were in town visiting from school and it was my last night before heading off to Europe.

You were more grown up now, and breathtakingly beautiful. You caught my eye right away, standing out in your group of friends. You wore a cherry red sundress and your long blonde hair flowed in big curls past your shoulders. Your lips popped with the red lipstick you wore to match your dress. Your eyes were fixated on Stark's inventions rolling across the stage. You were all in your glory. All the latest and greatest inventions that Stark was showcasing was making your imagination run wild. This was where you thrived.

I made my way through the crowd until I was at your back. "Long time no see, Miss Rogers."

You whipped around and scanned my face. Then those bright red lips curled up into a big smile. You threw your arms around my neck, "Oh my God, Bucky!"

You made me work pretty hard to ask you out for a drink, but I was persistent. You were stubborn and made me put on my best act, use all the charm that I could muster up. After you had your fun with me practically begging you, you eventually agreed to come out with me that night.

I bought you a few drinks and then we headed to the dance floor. You were a natural, moving with me like we'd been dancing together for years. We laughed and caught up on everything since we last saw each other. You told me about school and how well you were doing there. I was so proud of you. I always knew you would become something great.

We stayed up all night long, walking the streets of New York and looking up into the sky at the stars. It was the best night that I had had in a really long time. You had a way of talking about the world that made it so interesting, made you question that there might be more out there than what we think. The gears in your head were always spinning and that's what I liked about you. There was something different about you now, and I couldn't help myself from staring at the way you glowed.

You were so easy to talk to. We reminisced on our younger days and how fun it was, just the three of us. We would always be getting into trouble and you were always the one who could talk our way out of it. You were always so sly, unlike your brother and me. You had this confidence that made you so radiant. You knew you were smart, but didn't flaunt it and your beauty turned heads wherever you went. Steve was always getting into fights trying to keep the boys away from you. Good thing you could hold your own though, there were a number of times I saw you throw a swing at a boy for their snarky comments toward you.

I told you I would be leaving the next day to go fight in the war. You hadn't liked the idea of me leaving, not at all, especially going all the way to Germany to fight. You never wanted Steve to join the army either. He was the only family you had left and you desperately hung onto that. Too bad Steve didn't stay at the Expo earlier that night, I bet he would have loved to see his sister. You guys were always so close and grew even closer when your mom died. It was you two against the world from then on.

Flowers in the Darkest Parts: Bucky Barnes X OCWhere stories live. Discover now