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I stare at Steve in disbelief. "You.. died," I barely get out.

Steve wipes his eyes, "It's a long story." He lets out a laugh. "They found me under the ice after my plane went down. It preserved me somehow and they were able to bring me back. It took a little readjusting, but we're getting there. Looks like something similar happened to you too. You don't look like you've aged a bit."

This has to be a trick. My brother died a long time ago. The memories are fuzzy, but I remember Steve and remember what happened to him. HYDRA wiped a lot of my memories, but they had a harder time clouding the deep-rooted ones. This is not Steve. There is no way this can be real. It's just another mind game to break me.

'Steve' pulls the chair up to my bedside and sits down. The dark-haired man continues to stand a distance away. He stands with his arms crossed and an unreadable look on his face.

"Do you remember Bucky?" He motions his head toward the dark-haired man. Both men look at me expectantly.

I stare at them in silence, taking in the question. "I... Am I supposed to?"

They look at each other, brows furrowed in worry. Steve looks back to me and the dark-haired man rubs his face and looks at the ground.

Steve shifts his weight forward in his chair. "What do you remember?"

I stare at both of them for a moment. What was the catch? What did they want from me? I probably should answer their questions truthfully because I don't know what they already know about me. I think back to the past times that I have tried to lie to the HYDRA agents and was met with harsh consequences. I don't see a reason I should lie, or at least they haven't given me a reason to yet.

I decide to explain myself. "I was on HYDRA's eastern base, my mission at the time was to keep guard of the jail chambers. There was an explosion and the walls came down on the south end. I was hit with some kind of tranquilizer in the neck by the other guard who was there with me. Then I woke up here with you two."

Steve nods his head. He stands up and walks over to the other man, apparently 'Bucky'. They whisper to each other just quiet enough for me not to hear them. Bucky keeps glancing over at me as he whispers. They look like they're arguing about something. Maybe planning what they're going to do with me.

Steve places his hand on Bucky's shoulder and pats it reassuringly. Steve starts to walk back over to me and Bucky stares at the floor, he looks like he could break down into tears at any moment.

"Where am I?" I question. My tone is neutral, but my patience is running thin.

Steve sits back down on the chair. He takes a deep breath, "You're at the Avengers compound in New York." There's a pause and I continue to stare blankly at him. "I know, there's a lot to process." He continues, "We'll get you the help you need." After another long pause, he speaks again. "Um, how are you feeling?"

I frown, taken back. I am not expecting that question. When was the last time someone even asked me that? I glance back and forth between the two of them trying to figure out the game they're trying to play with me. I'm not sure yet. I need more information out of them.

"You've been through a lot," Steve says quietly. "It's okay. We're here to help you. We heard HYDRA was working on another Super Soldier and when we finally figured out who it was, we knew we had to get you out. We couldn't believe it at first. We thought you were dead."

I blink at Steve, still frowning. Still trying to register and make sense of what is happening. "How do I know you're telling me the truth?" I ask in the same calm manner, looking between the two of them.

Bucky takes a few steps closer to my bed. "We know you." His voice is quiet but deep. "We've known you for a long time. And I've been where you are. They did those same things to me. Same tricks, same games."

We hold eye contact. His blue eyes are now sad and I very much want to believe him. I can tell those eyes have seen pain, they've seen suffering. They are still grieving over the lives he has taken, the life that has been taken from him.

I nod my head slowly and he finally breaks my gaze to frown back at the ground. He steps back again and leans against the wall, looking exhausted.

"It's going to take a lot of adjusting," Steve starts talking again. "We'll take it slow. I want you to know that you're safe here."

I don't take my eyes off of Bucky. Who is he? How does he know what has happened to me? Can I believe them?

Steve stands from the chair and steps towards the bed. "I'm going to let you out now." He reaches down next to me and pushes a button. Immediately the straps that are across my body retract and I take a big breath in and relax a little in the bed. I didn't realize how tense I was.
I rip the wires from my chest and then look to Steve expectantly. I don't look like it, but I'm already making a plan to run.

Steve smiles softly at me, "We can show you to your room." He reaches out a hand for me to take. I just look at his extended hand, and slowly, cautiously, bring my hand to his. I sit up and drop my legs off the edge of the bed. As soon as my feet hit the floor I jerk Steve's hand forward to throw him off balance. With his momentum going forward, I make my break for the exit. The sudden movements bring a wave of nausea, but I have to fight it back. This could be my only opportunity and I'm not about to lose it. My legs feel foreign underneath me, weak and stiff from my injuries. It doesn't matter. I have to push through.

Bucky quickly sidesteps to try to cut me off. I run towards him and catch him off guard by sliding right between his legs as he tries to grab me. He's fast, but I'm faster. With him being off balance as well, I have a straight shot for the exit. My body burns with the motion and my head is still foggy from waking up. I'm not fully recovered yet, the adrenaline being the only thing that keeps me moving.

Only a few feet away and I'll be out the door. I don't know what's on the other side, but I'll figure that out when I get there. I hear Steve behind me yell, "Lock it down!" Suddenly the door automatically slams closed and electronically locks shut. I slam up against it, both hands smashing into the metal. I pull on the handle, frantically trying to open it. Fuck. Please open, please open.

There's no time to think before I feel two arms reach around and grab me, pinning my arms down at my sides and lifting me off the ground. My back is pressed up against a broad, muscular chest. I buck and squirm to escape with no success. I am strong, but this man has some sort of superhuman strength and my strength can't outmatch it. I realize that I'm in no shape to try to fight my way out of this either. My panic takes over, I don't even think to control the fear that is projected across my face and the whimpers that escape my lips.

I try wiggling free, but I don't budge. His grasp on me is too tight. I kick and yell in frustration to try to loosen his grip, but that only seems to make his grip harder. I can feel the energy draining from my body as my limbs grow heavy with exhaustion. "No!" I cry out. I missed it. I missed my chance to get out of here.

"Rosalie," Bucky breathes into my ear. I can feel his jaw on the side of my head. "It's going to be okay."

I freeze. My blood turns to ice. My breath hitches in my throat.

How does he know my name?

Flowers in the Darkest Parts: Bucky Barnes X OCWhere stories live. Discover now