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I should have listened to Steve. I should have listened to my own intuition. I got wrapped up in my feelings and decided to neglect the logic. Now you're the one that's going to pay the price.

I race down the stairs, my steps feeling like they're not landing fast enough. I get down to the main level and desperately search the crowd for you. Where are you?

The restroom sign hangs from the ceiling in the corner of the room and I rush over to it. I try to turn the handle, but it's locked. I slam my fist into the door a little too hard when I knock, rattling the wooden door. "Rose? Rose, we gotta go now." I knock again and then press my ear up to the door. It's hard to hear over the band and the rest of the people in the bar. It's even harder to hear over the thoughts in my own head.

I strain, trying to hear anything I can. I hear the slight shuffling of footsteps, then I'm flying backward. The door rips off the hinges and I'm thrown back, smashing into the wall behind me. I fall to my knees, dazed and disoriented, trying to grasp at what just happened. I look up and there you are. Your eyes show no emotion, like they're void of any life. You've changed into a jumpsuit and I can see HYDRA's red star plastered on the front of it, like their own little advertisement.

You saunter out of the doorway of the bathroom. Your movements are robotic, like a machine. Like a soldier. My stomach drops out of my feet, my blood turns cold. I hear people in the crowd screaming, running out from the bar and away from the attack. The band has stopped playing and the room is in total chaos. Chairs are tipped over, plates are dropped, everyone scrambles to escape the danger.

You continue toward me, slow and meticulous. You pull up a pistol, cock it, and aim right at me. I barely have time to grab a piece of the door to shield myself from your shot. You fire, the bullet ricocheting and breaking a glass that's sitting on the table next to me.

I launch my body forward, rolling into a standing position. Before I can fully get my bearings, you're coming at me. You're quicker than I anticipate and you're right up on me, throwing your fist at my head. I duck out of the way, but just barely. I don't want to fight you, but I have no idea what's going on. I don't understand why you want to fight me, I don't even know how you got a gun.

I block your next couple of punches, but it's not easy, each blow knocks me back. The strength behind them is incredible, I can feel the energy vibrating right through me with each punch. I slip and you catch the side of my face with your knuckles, making me stumble back. I have to regroup, have to get some space between us. I just need time to think for a second.

I time my shot, then I kick you right in the chest, sending you flying backward. You hit the ground, roll and then you're back on your feet looking unphased. You don't come back at me though, you just stand there, staring at me with a blank expression. I've seen that expression before. I've seen it on myself.

A shadow appears from behind you. A devilish laugh erupts from him as he steps into the light. "Isn't this interesting?" I instantly know the voice even before I fully see his face. "I thought this would be quite the entertainment. My new soldier bringing back my old soldier." Rumlow steps right up next to you and places his hand on the small of your back.

The absolute rage I feel when I see him touch you is beyond words. He somehow got to you before I did, somehow found you. By the way you stand there next to him, he must have planned this, he must have you under his control again.

How could I let this happen to you? How could I let the love of my life fall into his hands again?

I grind my teeth, "Don't fucking touch her."

"Aw, how sweet." He smiles at me, an evil shining in his eyes. "Get him."

You lunge at me and I immediately start for the door. I need to get us away from civilians. I don't know how this is going to turn out, but I need to make sure innocent people aren't going to be hurt in the process. I hear gunshots behind me and I duck out of the way as bullets fly past my head. Once outside, I head for the old abandoned train station. There's no one there to get hurt and hopefully I can think of a plan as I make my way there.

Flowers in the Darkest Parts: Bucky Barnes X OCWhere stories live. Discover now