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We had been searching for you for a week.

Even though, deep in my heart, I knew I'd been looking for you for longer than that.

We heard that HYDRA had been working up another Super Soldier experiment and we knew we had to put a stop to it once and for all. No one else would be harmed at the hand of HYDRA. No one else would be taken for experimentation and torture. With what I had to go through, I wanted no one else to experience the things that I did.

We had no idea who this new soldier was and what their capabilities were. Director Fury briefed us on the mission, saying that intel caught wind of HYDRA back in New Jersey. They were stationed at the old army base camp, smart, because they didn't think anyone would look there a second time. He brought up a screenshot they had managed to find of security footage and at first I thought I was going crazy.

It was you.

Steve and I exchanged wild looks, no way this could be you. You no longer existed. You were dead.

You are dead.

Half fumbling over our words, we asked your name, where you came from. Of course, there was no record. But we already knew the answers. Other than that, I had a lot more questions than I could put answers to.

I had to walk out of the room to calm myself. I was so overwhelmed, my skin felt like it was buzzing. I didn't know if I should feel relieved or happy or angry or guilty.

Maybe all of the above.

I threw my fist into the wall just thinking of everything you had to go through. What mind games did they play with you? What were the experiments they did on you? I had to fight down my own memories from resurfacing, they were not going to help me now. I thought about those people putting their hands on you and I slammed my fist into the wall again, this time my hand going straight through it. We needed to find you. Needed to bring you to where it was safe. I just needed you with me.

Steve joined me, feeling overwhelmed as well. Confusion and shock were well written on his face. I apologized over and over to him about not being able to protect you back then. I felt like I was thrown back in time to the moment you were taken, the panic starting to rise in my chest like it was just moments, and not years, from that day. He never blamed me, that's just the kind of person he is. But I did. I blamed myself for not being able to protect such an innocent girl.

He reassured me that we would get you back and keep you safe. He always had a way of talking me off the ledge, talking me down and bringing me back to reality. After everything that we went through, I'm glad that he was the one to come out with me on the other side. He was just as determined as I was. We were stronger now, we had more resources and I promised myself we would find you no matter what it took to get you.

Now, after multiple misses and dead ends, we finally found a way to infiltrate the HYDRA security system. We couldn't just run in and start punching, there had to be strategy and careful planning. HYDRA is tricky and we couldn't afford to take any chances with this mission.

My chest tightens as we infiltrate into the building where you are. I bust open a metal door and spot a woman from across the room. There's absolutely no mistaking that it's you. You fall to your knees as the HYDRA agent finishes injecting you with a syringe. I don't hesitate to pull my gun and fire at the agent. I should have known that they would have countless tricks up their sleeve, because as I fire shots, he tosses a smoke bomb behind him and takes off. He's instantly cloaked in the white smoke and I fire blindly into the general direction.


I continue forward, making sure not to drop my guard. It takes everything I have not to throw away all my training and run to your side. I can hear Tony's suit firing beams at other HYDRA personnel. It's too late to still be sneaky, they already know we're here. We don't have much time left.

Flowers in the Darkest Parts: Bucky Barnes X OCWhere stories live. Discover now