Look at me when im talking to you

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"Who the fuck has done this then?" I groaned annoyed looking at the wall in front of me.

It had 'I'm going to kill you' spray painted on it in red.

"This is a joke! Did one of you do this?" Curtis asked looking at us all.

"Don't look at me because I didn't do it" Kelly said rolling her eyes.

They started bickering and I looked over towards the community centre as I heard a noise. I saw Nathan climbing out of the window. What the fuck was he doing? He walked over towards us stretching and yawning. He stopped once he got to us and put a cigarette in his mouth. He looked up at the wall.

"Maybe someone wants to kill us" Simon said bluntly.

"Why would anyone want to kill us?" Kelly questioned.

"Right, come on you lot. Let's get changed" the probation worker said walking over to us.

"Have you seen this? Someone's taking the piss" Curtis said still annoyed.

"Yeah that's terrible isn't it. All this anti-social behaviour" he said looking Curtis in the eyes.

"Is he having a dig at us?" Nathan asked.

I looked at him confused as he still hadn't lit the cigarette. Alisha's phone rang.

"Right that's it! No ones making anymore calls today! Hand me your phones!" He exclaimed .

"Are you even allowed to take our phones?" Alisha asked taking a picture of him.

He snatched it out of her hands before collecting all of our phones. We all gave him dirty looks before walking to the changing rooms.


I turned around zipping up my jumpsuit to see Nathan with his jumpsuit on but the arms were tied around his waist. He had no shirt on. Everyone was talking about how the probation worker is a wanker but I was too focused on Nathan's body to talk. I hadn't noticed but everyone started to grab buckets and sponges and had left.

"My eyes are up here" I heard Nathan say.

I blinked a few times before looking up at his face. He was talking to me. Fuck. He saw me staring. I immediately looked away avoiding eye contact.

"Hey, look at me when I'm talking to you" he stepped closer to me so he was standing right in front of me. He lifted my chin up so I was looking at his face. I immediately felt my cheeks heat up. He had made me blush.

"That's better. Now come on we have to go and help the others" He smirked at me before grabbing a bucket and sponge walking out of the room. He knew what he was doing.


We were all scrubbing at the wall trying our best to get the red paint off. Simon walked over to us and I looked over at him. He had that same weird look on his face as Kelly did yesterday. It's weird, I swear I didn't even see him in the changing room earlier. Where was he?

"Yeah, you just relax innit" Curtis said to Alisha.

I looked over to see her sitting on a bench with her earphones in. She was nodding her head to the music. She had her jumpsuit tied to her waist like Nathan did earlier. She had a bikini top on. She was sunbathing.

"Someone's just gonna write something else on there tonight" she said looking at him lifting her sunglasses from her eyes.

"They make us do these bullshit jobs in these bullshit clothes. They can just suck my dick" she shrugged her shoulders.

"Nice" Curtis said looking down at her boobs.

"Feel free to check out my tits, yeah?" she smirked at him before putting her sunglasses back over her eyes.

"You know after the storm, did any of you feel dead weird?" Kelly said looking around at us.

"Yeah, I had a strange tingling sensation in my anus" Nathan said.

I started laughing at how stupid he was. Kelly rolled her eyes before looking at Simon.

"Did you feel weird?" she asked him stepping closer.

"Something happened..." He mumbled.

"What are you a virgin?" Nathan smiled.

"Shut up, you're probably one yourself" I laughed at him.

"I'll be glad to let you know that I'm not" He smirked proudly.

"Shut up!" Kelly shouted before looking back at Simon.

"It's nothing" he said hesitantly looking back at the wall.

"Whatever" she said walking away.


Nathan, Curtis and Simon were all in the main hall. I didn't know where Kelly and Alisha were and I hadn't seen Jamie all day so I decided to join the boys. As I was walking to the hall, I heard them talking about us girls. So I stood behind a wall listening to what they had to say about us.

"I gotta tell you, the one with the frizzy hair. I don't see me and her getting it on. She'd be way too much effort. She looks seriously high maintenance man. But that other one..." He started clicking his fingers as if he was trying to remember something.

"Kelly?" Simon asked.

"Nah, you can have her. I want the other one, Y/N, she looks like she'd be amazing in bed" he said winking at Simon.

"And you think you can pull her?" Curtis laughed at him.

"Yeah, 100% have you seen the way she looks at me?" He smirked.

I walked in and they all looked over at me silent. Nathan looked away avoiding eye contact.

"Are you sure about that?" I questioned standing right in front of him.

"Hey, look at me when I'm talking to you" I smirked doing what he did to me earlier in the changing rooms. I moved his chin down so he was looking at me. He blushed and stared into my eyes. This is fun. Maybe I should play with him some more?

I looked down at his lips before looking up at his eyes. His eyes were glued to my lips. I slowly started leaning in and when our lips were like 2 centimetres away, I pulled away smirking.

"Good luck with that" I kissed him on the cheek before walking away.

"Oh my god man, you've gone bright red" Curtis laughed at him with Simon.

"Shut up man" Nathan mumbled.

I turned around to see Nathan still staring at me before I walked out of the room.

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