The Probation Worker Has Gone Mental

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Alisha and I were sitting on the small sofa in the hallway. Simon was sitting on the floor next to us we were all complaining at Nathan who was banging at the vending machine trying to get free food. He'd been there for a good five minutes. He finally managed to get a can of drink as Curtis walked up to us. Nathan sat in a wheelchair he had found and wheeled himself over to us. He stopped when he was sat in front of me and Alisha.

"When I was in sixth form, you came to my school and had a massive speech about athletics and sports" Alisha said looking over at Curtis.

"Didn't you get caught with cocaine?" I asked looking at him.

"Yeah it was one mistake but they put me in 200 hour community service and banned me  from sports for two years" He replied.

"Damn, you let yourself down. You let the kids down. You let your parents down!" He exclaimed.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP" Curtis shouted storming over to him. His face was full of pure rage and anger, "All I ever did was train!" He added grabbing Nathan by the collar of his jumpsuit pulling him out of the wheelchair.

"You can't hit someone in a wheelchair!" Nathan exclaimed.

Curtis signed and rolled his eyes before letting go of him and standing against a wall near Simon.

"Do you wanna know why I'm here?" Alisha smiled sitting up.

"Not really" Nathan groaned.

She rolled her eyes and started telling her story. She went on for a good five minutes about her going to a party, her friend being cheated on, then she ended up drink driving. A police officer pulled her over and gave her a breathalyser, she asked him whether she should suck of blow in a seductive tone. She then picked up her bottle and started licking and sucking it which immediately got all of the guys attention.

"You'd love to see Y/N do that" Simon said looking over at Nathan.

I was shocked Simon had said something like that so I laughed. As I looked over at Nathan, I stopped laughing. He looked flustered and his cheeks were a light pink colour. Was he blushing?

Alisha started to suck off the bottle again but Nathan's eyes were on me the whole time. I blushed and looked down at my hands as the dirty thoughts entered my mind.


Suddenly Kelly had pushed open the door and fell to the floor. We all jumped out of our seats scared.

"He's gonna kill us!" She shouted standing up and running over to the door locking it.

"Nice entrance, very dramatic!" Nathan laughed watching her.

"The probation worker has gone mental! He's just attacked me! Something really weird is happening! I'm hearing these voices in my head, it's like I can hear what people are thinking!" She ranted.

"Have you been sniffing glue?" Alisha laughed.

"The storm has done something to us!" She cried.

She seemed genuinely scared. It was making me worry.

"What do you mean the probation worker attacked you?" Curtis asked confused.

"This does sound like complete shit" Alisha said.

" I don't know I feel like I believe her" I said scared.

Nathan looked at me shocked.

"He's out there and he chased me!" She exclaimed.

"Something has happened to me too" Simon said standing up.

"Did you pop your cherry?" Nathan smirked.

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