You'd suit that

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"I told you other people had got messed up by the storm and you didn't believe me" Kelly said pointing her finger in Nathan's face.

"Yeah well I was wrong" he rolled his eyes, "there's a hurricane of weird shit out there" he added.

Alisha laughed and made movements with her fingers like she did yesterday. She was referring to the oral sex again.

"Oh another oral sex gag! Brilliant!" Nathan sighed rolling his eyes again.

" we need to be ready for when they come after us" Simon said closing his locker and facing us.

"Who?" I asked.

" the other people who got caught in the storm" he replied.

"Why would they come after us?" Curtis asked.

" because that's what people do"he answered bluntly.

"Yeah, well if they do, we'll just tell them it was all your fault" Nathan smiled at him.

Everyone rolled their eyes and went back to what they were doing before. Nathan opened his locker and froze in fear.

"You know that note you found in your locker?" Nathan asked Curtis, "I think it was talking about the probation worker" He finished.

We all looked over at his locker, on the door hung a missing persons poster of Tony. Written on it in black pen was 'I know'.

We all gathered around his locker looking at it.

"Holy shit" I said.


It was the next day and we were all getting ready for community service.

"Someone knows we killed him" I said still in shock.

"Do you think it could be Sally?" Simon questioned.

"Who's Sally?" Curtis asked.

"Our probation worker" Simon replied.

" Oooh Sally, why'd you know her name? " Nathan asked.

"Because she told us..." Simon stated confused.

" you're a twat because Sally didn't turn up until the day after we killed him" Nathan said pointing his finger at him, "I suppose you know our last probation worker's name too"

"Tony" Simon said.

"Do you love him?" Nathan mocked.

" he's right, she wasn't here" Kelly said looking at Simon.

"If I'm invisible, I can see if anyone puts anything into the lockers" Simon suggested.

It was a good idea.

"Sounds like a plan" Curtis said, "go on then, turn invisible"

" I can't do it while everyone's watching me" he said.

"So I guess it's like pissing in a urinal if you've got a tiny cock" Nathan said.

"Are you speaking from experience?" I asked smirking at him.

" Me? No way! You wanna see? " he asked smirking back at me.

I rolled my eyes and looked back at Simon.

"wow that's really impressive!" Alisha said sarcastically.

Everyone walked out behind her other than Simon and I.

"I think it's really cool that you can turn invisible! I've always wanted to do that!" I smiled at him.

" thank you" he smiled back blushing.

I said goodbye and walked out with the others.


"Okay so all these clothes need to be sorted out before we ship them out to Africa" A guy told us leading us towards the main hall.

"Just another day in paradise" Alisha exclaimed sarcastically as we saw the huge pile of clothes waiting for us.

"Yeah well I'm sure the people receiving them will appreciate all your hard work" the guy smiled.

"Yeah well they should be, they're getting a new wardrobe" Alisha mumbled.

The guy, Ben, told us the categories we had to sort them out in, before walking out. As soon as I couldn't see Ben anymore, I pushed Nathan into the clothes. As he fell, he pulled me with him, I fell on top of him and we both laughed.

We all tried on different clothing and outfits, throwing clothes at each other and laughing as we tried them on. Kelly wore sponge bob pyjamas as Alisha and Curtis flirted. Nathan threw a bright green thong at me.

"You'd suit that" he smirked at me.

I threw it back at him and laughed as it hit his face. He groaned in disgust and threw it in the pile of clothes. This ended up in me and him having a huge clothes fight. Soon, everyone else had joined and we were having much fun.

We all immediately stopped as Sally entered the room. She had a girl following behind her. The girl glared at Kelly as she walked into Sally's office.

"who's that?" I asked.

" the girl I got in a fight with. I've gotta do some restorative justice bollocks with her"she rolled her eyes at the thought of it.

"Jodie is here come on" Sally said to Kelly. She groaned standing up and walked into her office.

"Hey watch this" Nathan smirked, he put on some roller skates and some ski goggles. He skated over towards the office window, he skated past it slowly while singing like he was in opera and his arms in the air. We all laughed as he nearly fell skating back to us.

"Take the roller skates off now! And the goggles! Take them off!!" Sally shouted before going back into her office.

Not even a minute later, Jodie stormed out holding her forehead in pain.

"She head-butted me!!" She yelled, " YOU SLUT WHORE" She turned and shouted at Kelly.

"Alright calm down" Sally tried comforting her and leading her out of the building at the same time.

"SHUT UP YOU TWAT!!" Kelly yelled now standing outside of the office, after throwing a chair at the girl.

We all watched in shock.

"Kelly!!" Sally shouted.

"I was tryna be nice!" she shouted before storming off.

"I think that went pretty well" Curtis smirked.

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