Oh am I now?

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We had been digging for what felt like forever. It had really only been 10-15 minutes. We all stopped as we heard a loud squidgy noise. We all covered our noses as a horrific smell burned out nostrils. I can't even describe what it smelt like, it was terrible.

"I've got something!" Nathan exclaimed. He lifted his shovel up and there was a hand hanging off the end of it. I gagged and walked over towards the car. I couldn't do this. After I had calmed myself down, I walked back over to them and started digging again.

Eventually, we had finally dug both bodies up. We got Simon to wrap them up in tar pool with some rope. Once he did it, we shoved them in the boot of the car. We then filled the hole back up with dirt.

Alisha and Kelly sat in the front of the car and waited for us.

"Uh hello? You forgot something" Nathan said waving the hand from earlier at us. He stood back and Curtis moved out of the way so he could throw it in the boot. It was supposed to land in the car but instead it landed on the window screen. Alisha and Kelly shrieked in fear and Nathan ran to the front of the car to retrieve the hand.

"Oops sorry" he smiled waving the hand at the girls before putting it in the boot.

Simon and Curtis sat in the back of the car, before I could join them, Nathan squeezed past me and sat in the seat.

"Too late, you're gonna have to sit on my lap now!" Nathan smirked wriggling his eyebrows at me. I rolled my eyes.

"It's fine I'll sit on Kelly's lap" I smiled but before I could walk away, he grabbed my hand and pulled me into his lap. He rested his hands on my waist so I couldn't move. Once Alisha started driving, he rested his hands on my thighs. I just smiled and leaned into him more.

"I don't want you sitting on anyone else's lap" he whispered in my ear.

"Why not?" I whispered back turning my head to look at him.

"You're mine" he stared into my eyes.

"Oh am I now?" I smirked holding eye contact.

He nodded his head and smirked back at me.

I turned and faced forward. I couldn't help but blush. Was he joking? Was he being serious? I can never tell with this boy.


We carried the bodies into the room upstairs and dumped them in the freezer room. Nathan locked it afterwards. He then turned to Kelly.

"I like your cap" he laughed and pulled it off of her head.

Kelly shrieked and Nathan's face turned into shock as he realised a wig had come off with the cap. Kelly was bald.

Everyone looked at her in shock and she ran off crying covering her head.

"I was not expecting that" Nathan said.

"She looked like an alien" Alisha laughed.

I watched Kelly until I couldn't see her anymore. I felt so bad.


"It's Jodie!" Kelly shouted storming into the changing rooms, " she's got a power or something. That bitch did this to me!! " She yelled slamming shut a random locker door making Nathan and I flinch.

"She has the power to turn people bald! That is rubbish! Bald, bald bald" he pointed his fingers at us at the last bit.

"When I next see her, I'm gonna batter her! I'm gonna rip her tits off!" She groaned furious.

I winced at the thought and looked down at my boobs. Ouch that would hurt.


"We should hurt the bodies under the foundations of the environmental monitoring station before they pour in the concrete" Simon whispered to us.

"So your plan is, we dig up the bodies and then we rebury them in the exact same place!" He whispered not agreeing, "you're a genius!" He said sarcasm laced in his voice.

Simon's idea was actually really clever.

" that works" Curtis smiled at Simon.

"Yeah that's dead smart" Kelly smiled at him.

Simon smiled proudly. It was cute. Normally everyone's picking on him.

"It's okay" Nathan shrugged his shoulders embarrassed.

"Okay guys if you want to grab a box and follow me!" Ben said walking over to us, "come on" he picked up a box walking past us.

We rolled out eyes and followed him with the big heavy boxes in our hands.


We walked up to Curtis who was watching Ben and Alisha walk away.

"Where's she going?!" Nathan asked.

" we need the car! " I exclaimed.

"Ew is she hooking up with him?" Kelly asked looking at Ben and Alisha walk around a corner.

" that is definitely on" Nathan said also watching them.

"How do we move the bodies without her car?" Simon asked panicked.

" you need to get that tart on the phone and tell her we need the car! " Nathan said pointing at Curtis. Curtis rolled his eyes and walked away.

"Where are you going?" I asked but he ignored us and kept walking.

" we need to move the bodies! " Kelly whispered harshly.

"You deal with it!" Curtis shouted before storming off.

" we could take Sally's car" Simon suggested.

"Who's sally?" Nathan asked looking at him.

We all just looked at him in disbelief. This is like the fifth time he's asked this question.

We ended up making Simon turn invisible and get the keys from Sally's office while we waited by her car.

Once he came out with the keys in hand and a proud smile across his face, we took the bodies from upstairs and shoved them in the boot of Sally's car.

"I'm sorry you're bald" Simon said looking at Kelly.

"Thanks" she said giving him a weird look.

Nathan sat in the front of the car while we struggled to lift the second body. This was definitely Tony.

"Give us a hand!" Kelly shouted at him.

" I'm the designated driver! " he exclaimed.

"Help us you prick!" I shouted looking at him annoyed.

He rolled his eyes and sighed annoyed before walking over towards us. He helped us lift the body into the boot.

"Which one is this?" He asked groaning.

"The probation worker" Simon replied.

" he's a fat bastard " Nathan exclaimed.

Nathan shut the boot and his eyes went wide. He pulled us down by some bins quickly. We all looked and saw Sally walking towards her car. She was searching her bag for her keys. She looked in the window of her car and sighed before opening the door and getting in.

"You're the one with all the big ideas, what do we do?" Nathan asked looking at Simon. Simon stayed quiet.

" where are the keys? " Kelly asked Nathan.

We heard the car turn on and we all turned to Nathan. He looked at us ashamed as Sally drove off.

We ran out from behind the bins and watched as the car drove off.

"Shit" Nathan said.

"You left the keys in the car?!" I shouted annoyed hitting him around the head.

" Ouch! " he yelled holding his head, "I didn't know she was gonna come out here did I ?!" He exclaimed.

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