I'm big daddy!

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"So if anyone asks what happened yesterday we say nothing right?" Nathan said turning towards us zipping his jumpsuit only halfway up. He had a dark grey vest underneath it with a necklace he always wore.

"It was just a completely normal day" He added patting Simon and Curtis on the back before walking out into the hallway.

We all followed him out and waited in the main hall. A woman walked into the room and stood in front of us all. She crossed her arms taking a good look at each of us.

"Jamie and my colleague Tony have both gone missing" she started.

Tony, that's what the probation worker's name was. I wondered what it was.

"The families are very worried about them. Have you seen anything unusual, anything at all?" She finished  waiting for us to reply.

Nathan put his hand up and we all looked at him scared for what he was about to say. Was he going to tell her? No, surely not.

"You saw something?" She asked looking at him.

He nodded his head slowly and sighed.

"A few days ago...I go into the toilets. Tony and Jamie were in there." He sighed again before shaking his head and continuing, "they're butt-naked. Tony had Jamie by his hair like this" he grabbed the back of his own head, "and he's just doing him, doggy style" He then started to make thrusting movements.

I looked at him and tried not to stare too hard at the movements he was making. Everyone else, including the woman, rolled their eyes at him.

"Ah, who's your daddy? I'm your daddy! I'm big daddy!!" He moaned loudly still thrusting his hips.

I couldn't help but laugh. It was hilarious. I can't believe he managed to stay serious the whole time.

"Ah, oh yeah, you like that? Oh yeah...oh yeah, oh yeah! I'm daddy cool!!!" He continued moaning pretending he was reaching his climax. He then pretended to spank something and stood there with his hands on his hips. He looked the woman dead in the eye with a serious face.

"So I'm guessing they ran away to continue their illicit homosexual affair. And I ask you, in this world of intolerance and prejudice, who are we to condemn them? " he finished.

Everyone stood staring at him in shock and disgust. The woman rolled her eyes and walked out of the room. I immediately burst out laughing.

"Oh I'm big daddy!" I laughed mocking him and he laughed with me.

After we had finished laughing, we all walked upstairs onto the roof. We walked to the edge of the roof and looked down. The woman was standing down there staring at the river. She looked sad.

Nathan put a cigarette in his mouth lighting it. I watched as he inhaled the smoke before blowing it out after a few seconds. It was really attractive.

"Well I think we got away with it" He said watching as the woman walked back inside.

"Do you actually believe that, or are you really that dumb?" Curtis asked in shock.

"I actually believe that." He exclaimed before inhaling more smoke.

Curtis have him a dirty look.

"I mean, I was actually there and I don't have one of these bullshit powers" Nathan said randomly.

"I don't either" I said looking up at him. Wow, he's so tall compared to me.

"You two can have mine. You wanna know what people are thinking about you?" Kelly asked rolling her eyes.

"Not so much. I want something good. something from the A-list. " He said looking at her.

"Maybe you can fly" Simon said.

"He's not going to be able to fly" I said laughing.

"Yeah! There's always someone who can fly! Check it out!" He exclaimed going over to a chair and standing on it. He jumped off of it flapping his arms around. He groaned annoyed once his feet touched the ground.

"Nope that's not it."  He mumbled walking back over to us.

"So what happens now? Is this it? We're gonna be like this forever?" Curtis asked us.

"Maybe we're supposed to be superheroes?" Simon asked.

"You lot? Superheroes? No offence, but in what kind of fucked up world would that be allowed to happen?" Nathan laughed.

I took the cigarette from his mouth. I put it to my lips and inhaled slowly. I stood on my tip-toes before blowing it into Nathan's face. He watched me with a shocked expression as I inhaled some more.

"What if there's people like us all over town?" Kelly asked ignoring me and Nathan.

" No, that kind of thing only happens in America. " Nathan said as I gave the cigarette back to him. He put it to his lips. "I'm telling you this will fade. This time next week, we'll be back to the same old boring shit." He said exhaling the smoke and passing it back to me.


We all walked along the concrete with black bags and litter pickers. Today we had to go around picking up all the litter everyone chucks around.

"And what? You're all special and we're not? You can think all you like but we have superpowers , we just need to find out what they are." Nathan said.

He wouldn't shut up about these superpowers. Everyone was starting to get bored of it. It's all he would speak about.

"Maybe I've got like a whole Spider-Man thing going on. Maybe I can climb things and do spider shit" He exclaimed flinging his bag around.

"I love Spider-Man" I smiled.

"Yeah because that makes perfect sense. Why would you be shown to climb stuff?" Curtis asked ignoring me.

"I don't know, how is it you can turn back time? And weird kid can turn invisible?" He said pinching his litter picker in Simon's face. " it's not like this whole situation is backed up by a wank load of logic" he said. Curtis stuck his middle finger up at him.

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