Stop being jealous

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We went to the roof, listening as Nathan left a voicemail to Alisha and Curtis. He was explaining what had happened with Sally's car.

"Someone left the keys in the ignition. But there's no point naming names at this stage, it's done now. So the probation worker is driving around with the stiffs in the boot of her car" Nathan said. I rolled my eyes at him, "just thought you'd wanna know" he added before putting his phone away.

"Well I guess that's it, we're going to prison" he said sitting on the chair next to me.

"Yeah, that's where my career teacher said I'd end up" Kelly sighed looking at the floor.

"Yeah well you'd be alright in prison, you've got the whole bald look going on, you're well butch" he said looking at her.

She punched him in the arm and groaned annoyed.

"Oww" he shrieked moving closer towards me.

"Maybe Sally won't look in the boot" Simon said mainly speaking to himself.

"Fingers crossed, eh?" Nathan said rolling his eyes.

We all sat in silence as we thought hard about what we were going to do.


Nathan and I walked home in silence. We were still trying to process what had happened. We got to my house and I went straight to the bathroom. I shut the door and immediately started panicking. What the fuck are we going to do now? we're gonna be chucked in prison. I tried wiping away the tears that were streaming down my face but they just kept coming.

Nathan opened the door, he must've heard me crying. His face softened as he saw me and he walked up to me, pulling me into a hug. I cried into his chest as he tried his best to calm me down. I could tell he was panicking just as much but he didn't show it, he didn't want to freak me out anymore.


Nathan and I walked into the community centre together. We walked over to the others.

"Did any of you get any sleep last night?" He asked, his voice full of worry.

" No" everyone replied also worrying.

"We would've been arrested by now if she had found the bodies" Alisha said. She was right.

"Maybe they're waiting until we're all together" Simon said.

"Now why would you say something like that?!" Nathan said worrying even more.

"What time does she usually get here?" Kelly asked.

"About 8 O'Clock" Nathan said.

Nathan checked the time on his phone.

"Shit, it's 7:50!" He said and we all ran outside. We hid behind the same bins as yesterday waiting for Sally to arrive.

Nathan looked at me to see me shaking in fear. He gently pulled me closer to him and I cuddled into him. This is it, we're never gonna see each other again.

We all turned to look at Sally's car that had pulled up. She looked normal.

"She didn't look in the boot" Kelly said in relief.

"We're okay! We're not going to prison!" Nathan said, kissing the top of my head. I sighed in relief.

We all watched her sniff around in her car. Oh no. She got out of the car and started sniffing again. I turned to look at Curtis who had gasped loudly, his eyes had widened.

"She's gonna get out the car, she's gonna walk to the boot and she's gonna find the bodies!" He whispered, he must've seen it and turned back time with his power. We all looked back at Sally who was now walking to the boot of her car.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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