I knew you wanted me

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Nathan mocked Kelly about Jodie as we walked back into the changing rooms.

"Yeah no you were really nice, even when you threw the chair at her" he laughed.

Suddenly Simon appeared next to Curtis. He shouted in fright.

"Fuck, don't do that shit around me" He exclaimed.

"No one came in, I've been in here all day" he sighed.

"Well that's an anti climax" Nathan said.

We all got dressed before heading home. I walked home by myself because Nathan said he had to go somewhere quickly. He said he wouldn't be long so I didn't mind.

Once I got home, I got changed into shorts and an oversized shirt before sitting on the sofa and watching my favourite show.

After 15 minutes had passed, I heard Nathan walk in. He walked over to me and held up a white plastic bag.

"I got us a takeaway!" He smiled proudly.

I stood up smiling, "What is it?" I asked.

" Chinese" he replied.

"That's my favourite" I thanked him and kissed him on the cheek.

We went to the kitchen and started eating. We say in silence, not an awkward silence but a comfortable silence.


I was now washing up, my back towards Nathan as he was sat over at the table waiting. Once I had done, I turned around to see him staring at my arse. When he realised I had turned around, his eyes ran up to my body until they reached mine. He smirked and shrugged his shoulders.

"What? It's not my fault your arse looks good in them shorts" he said.

He stood up slowly walking up to me. I looked down avoiding his face and hiding my blush. Once he was standing in front of me, he lifted my chin up so I was looking up into his eyes.

"What have I told you about looking at me when I'm talking to you?" He smirked, I noticed his eyes trail down to my lips before looking back into my eyes.

"I-" I was speechless. Nathan Young had made me fucking speechless.

"Sometimes I wonder how good you'd look without those shorts" He spoke quietly, almost like a whisper.

He looked down at my shorts before looking back into my eyes. I felt the arousal building up between my legs. I held eyes contact staring into his green eyes, they were full of lust. I bit my lip nervously. He looked so good right now.

He slowly started to lean in and so did I. Our lips connected and it didn't take long for the kiss to turn rough. It was like we were both hungry for each other, starving.

He moved my hair away from my neck as his kisses trailed down my jawline to my neck. I moaned quietly as he left dark hickeys. He lifted his head from my neck and tugged on the bottom of my shirt asking for consent. I nodded my head and he immediately pulled the shirt off of me, throwing it across the kitchen. He took a few seconds to stare at me in my bra.

He picked me up, his hands under my arse supporting me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He took me to my room and as soon as we entered, he started kissing me again. I moaned into the kiss as I felt him grabbing my arse. My hands reached for his hair and I slightly pulled it as I kissed him again, he groaned against my lips. This only made me want him more.

He placed me on the bed, I sat up and took his shirt off. My eyes were glued to his body. I ran my hands from his chest to his stomach. I pulled him onto me by the belt hoops on his jeans. His leg was between mine and his arms either side of my head, helping him up.

His lips trailed down to my collar bone. He kissed my chest before reaching underneath me and unclasping my bra. He threw it across the room and lowered his head again, he started licking and sucking them. His tongue grazed my nipple and my hands reached for his hair. His other hand cupped my breast and I pulled on his hair again causing him to groan against my boob.

His lips soon trailed further down my body, he kissed just above the hem of my shorts. He sat up and unbuckled his jeans pulling them down while I did the same with my shorts. He gripped the hem of my underwear and slowly pulled them down.

"Fuck, you're so beautiful." He muttered staring at my body. I blushed under his gaze before sitting up to pull his boxers down. My eyes widened at the size of him. I looked back up at his face to see him smirking.

" I told you I don't have a small cock" he said referring to our conversation earlier in the changing room. I ignored him and laid back down pulling him back onto me. Our lips connected again and his hands cupped my breasts.

He looked down at our bodies and slowly pushed himself into me. I bit my lip not letting the moans escape.

"I wanna hear you" he whispered placing his thumb on my bottom lip, he pulled it away from my teeth. I gasped loudly, as he pushed the rest in.

He looked into my eyes as he slowly thrusted in and out of me. He brought his lips to mine and his hand slowly travelled down my body to my heat. He rubbed my clit as he thrusted faster. I pulled away from the kiss moaning loudly. I loved it but I wanted more, I needed more.

I flipped us over so he was laying down and I was sitting on him, straddling his waist. I slid onto his full length causing him to moan loudly. His hands went straight to my hips as he guided them faster. I placed my hand on his shoulder supporting myself as he thrusted his hips up into me.

"Fuck Nathan" I moaned throwing my head back in pleasure.

This only encouraged him to go faster and harder. I felt a knot in my stomach as I reached my climax. I moaned his name again, causing him to reach his climax too. We both moaned and his thrusts got more sloppy as he finished. His fingers dug into my hips and mine dug into his shoulder. We soon slowed down until we had fully finished. He moved his hands and rested them on my thighs as I sat on him too tired to move.

He looked up into my eyes breathing heavily. His dark curls were stuck to his sweaty forehead. He looked flustered and had a pink tint on his cheeks. Fuck, he's so hot. I reached down and placed a quick kiss on his lips before moving off of him. We both laid there out of breath, sweating. What the fuck had just happened?

"I knew it" He smirked looking up at the ceiling.

"You knew what?" I asked curiously. I looked at him.

" I knew I could pull you, I knew you wanted me" He smirked turning his head to look into my eyes.

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