Are you into that?

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I slowly opened my eyes adjusting them to the bright light that filled the room from the window. I went to sit up but noticed an arm around my waist. I looked over at Nathan who was still asleep. He had his arm wrapped around my waist and had gotten closer to me.

I couldn't help but admire him as he slept. He looked so relaxed as he snored quietly. His curly hair was spread across his forehead and his mouth slightly open. I looked away as he stirred in his sleep. I heard him groan gently and he yawned. His hand on my waist moved to my stomach as he stretched slightly. I looked over at him again, his eyes were now open and he looked at me.

"did you sleep well?" I asked.

" The best I've slept for a while" He smiled.

His morning voice was fucking amazing. The Irish accent made it even better. He looked down at his arm which was wrapped around me.

"I really appreciate this you know" He spoke. He didn't move his arm, he kept it there and looked up into my eyes.

I smiled at him. I've never really seen him like this, all soppy. I liked it though. It was a new side to him that I'd never seen before.


We got dressed and headed to the main hall. Today was another party for the elderly people and we had to look after them again.

"Come on let's sit over there" Nathan said pulling me away to an empty table. We sat down and spoke about the conversation he had with his mum and step dad last night. Nathan had been acting really weird again, ever since we were told about the elderly party. Every time I asked him what was wrong, he'd shut me down and change the subject.

I watched Nathan's face fill with horror as an old woman walked over towards us. He shrieked and ran out of the hall. The woman looked heartbroken and sadly walked away. I followed Nathan and saw him sat underneath the flyover smoking.

"What the fuck was that?" I asked sitting next to him.

"don't worry" He mumbled blowing out smoke.

I took the cigarette from him and placed it to my lips. I inhaled letting the smoke fill up my lungs, I sighed as I exhaled. Smoking always relaxed me.

"You've been really off since yesterday" I said looking at him, "what's up with you. I'm worried." I admitted.

"Aw, are you developing feelings for me Y/N?" He smirked trying to change the conversation.

I rolled my eyes at him.

"Oi, What are you two doing?" Kelly asked walking over to us with the group.

" I can't be in the room where that song is playing, lying in the sand my friend. " Nathan said taking another pull of the cigarette.

"Some old woman was looking for you" she said confused.

Once again, Nathan's face filled with horror. Kelly suddenly stepped back in shock. She had obviously read his mind.

"You shagged her?!" She shouted.

We all looked at him in shock and confusion. What the fuck? Was this why he's been acting weird?

"Yeah, yeah, nice one! I gave her a right good seeing to" he tried to sound sarcastic but we all knew he was lying.

"Nathan, what the fuck?" I said looking at him.

He looked at me before looking back at the group.

"You totally screwed her!" Alisha laughed.

" No... "Nathan muttered.

I stood up in shock. He looked up at me embarrassed.

" No! " He shouted standing up.

"You nailed that old woman?!" Curtis asked in shock.

"did you enjoy it?" Simon smiled at him.

" shut up you little freak! " Nathan shouted pointing his finger in his face.

"I think he enjoyed it!" Simon laughed.

I never thought the day would come where Simon was mocking Nathan. Normally it was the other way around. I laughed in shock at Simon and so did everyone else.

"Are you into that?!" Curtis asked still in shock.

" No! " Nathan exclaimed.

"she didn't look like that when we started okay? You remember that girl Ruth? From Tuesday? Beautiful!" He spoke.

I felt a bit jealous as he described the skinny blonde woman from the first elderly party.

"That wrinkly old bint...that's her! It was the storm, it made her young again!" He exclaimed.

" please tell me you didn't" Alisha held her fingers up in a v shape and stuck her tongue in between them. She was referring to oral sex.

Nathan made a disgusted and embarrassed face at us before looking down at the floor. Oh my god. He gave her oral sex too. I looked at him in shock, he looked back at me ashamed. I felt a bit bad for him, he didn't know. Like he said, it was the storm.

He walked away before any of us could say anything else to him. Everyone stood there laughing while I watched him walk away. I felt so bad for him.


I walked up to the door after I had got dressed. I saw Nathan sitting on one of the chairs with a beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other. He still looked so sad. I sat on the chair next to him, he took a swig of beer before looking at me.

"I fucked up" he sighed passing me the beer. I took a sip from it.

"You didn't know" I said sympathetically, "come on let's go home" I said pulling him up by his hand. We walked down stairs and out of the community centre, he never let go of my hand.

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