Hey nude guy?

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We were all in an alleyway picking up the rubbish scattered across the floor and shoving it into our plastic bags.

"What is that?" Curtis asked in disgust looking over at the bins.

We all looked over at the bins and saw a man lying down naked. We all walked up to him, disgust written all over our faces.

"Is he breathing?" Kelly asked.

Alisha leaned forward and poked the man's arse with her litter picker.

"Hey nude guy? You're naked!" She shouted causing the man to jolt up.

We all looked away and groaned as we saw his dick. Simon took a picture of it on his phone looking shocked. I noticed Nathan lean forward, looking shocked. The man saw him and looked worried.

"You!!" He shouted pointing at the man.

He knew him?

The man immediately got up and started running away, stumbling and falling. He picked himself back up and ran again.

"You wanna tell us who that was?" Curtis asked as we all laughed.

"He's my mum's - He's living with my mum" Nathan hesitantly said.

"Your step dad has got a massive cock!" Alisha laughed.

Alisha saying that had made us all laugh even more. Even Simon was laughing. Nathan stood there embarrassed.

"Jesus! And he's not my step dad alright!?" Nathan exclaimed.

"That was like monster big" she continued, "your mum will hurt!"

I laughed as Nathan covered his ears, "la la la, shut up!" He glared at her.

"Why's he naked?" Kelly asked once Nathan had removed his hands from his ears.

"He's obviously some kind of pervert" Alisha shrugged her shoulders.

"He could be a rapist" I muttered.

As soon as I saw the glare Nathan was giving me I shut up.

"Maybe he's a werewolf?" Simon suggested.

" Twat! " Nathan shouted pointing his litter picker at him.

"Its what happens in films!" Simon defended himself.

"He's not a werewolf alright?! This guy is such a pussy, he needs my mum to open jars for him. I'm sure if he was a werewolf, he'd be able to open a jar of peanut butter himself!" Nathan ranted.

"What if it was the storm that messed him up?" I asked.

"That's bollocks! What are the chances?" Nathan exclaimed.


"Help out, talk to them, make sure everyone's having a good time...Move!" Sally, the woman from earlier told us. She was our new probation worker since Tony had gone.

We all stood in line looking at the elderly people scattered across the main hall of the community centre. Today we had to look after them and keep them company. I think it was some sort of party or something. At least we were allowed to wear our own clothes.

We slowly spread out and looked for somewhere we could help. I saw an old woman trying to stand up from a chair. I walked over towards her.

"Hey do you need help?" I asked awkwardly smiling. Fuck, I was so bad at this already.

"It would be lovely if you could get me a glass of water" she smiled pointing towards the table with food and drink. I nodded my head before going over there.

As I poured the water, I noticed Nathan wheeling an old woman around in a wheelchair at a dangerously fast speed. A skinny blonde woman walked last him, she looked our age. His full attention was on her. He let go of the wheelchair and stared at her as she walked past him smiling. He then followed her. I rolled my eyes walking back over to the old woman. Was I jealous? Surely not. He's a twat!

"Thank you so much dear" she smiled as I passed her the water.

"Would you mind staying here and keeping me company?" She asked politely.

I nodded my head, "of course" I sat down next to her and we spoke about my community service. She told me she was like me when she was younger.

After a few minutes, Nathan walked past us with the same blonde woman. He smiled at me and wiggled his eyebrows and I looked down at my hands. I felt a ping in my heart. I felt sad for some reason.

"You like him" the woman spoke looking at me and then Nathan.

"What? Pfft, no! I could never!" I blurted looking at her.

"I can see it in your eyes" she smiled.

Maybe she was right? Maybe I did like Nathan?


I sighed as we entered the changing rooms.

"Someone knows!" Curtis said, fear laced in his voice.

"Is this a wind up?" Kelly asked rolling her eyes.

Curtis pulled a note out from his locker and showed us. In printed black and white letters read 'I know what you did'.

"Was it you?" I asked looking at Nathan. It was probably just one of his stupid jokes.

" if I was trying to wind you up, I think I'd be a little bit more creative" Nathan laughed.

" this isn't funny" Kelly exclaimed becoming worried.

"If I wanted to freak you out, I would've dug up the body and stuck that up in your locker!" He laughed again.

" if it wasn't him, who was it? " Simon asked walking over towards us.

"Well we've all done stuff. They could be talking about anything" Nathan suggested.

"It was in your locker" Alisha said.

"This was meant for all of us! They're talking about the probation worker!" Curtis stated loudly.

"Shut up! Someone's gonna hear us!" I exclaimed looking around.

"Okay let's just say you're right. If they actually knew anything, they wouldn't be dicking around sticking notes in lockers. They would've gone to the police and we'd all be banged up in a prison, getting gang raped in the showers. But this, this means that they have no evidence, no proof, nothing. And anyway, I'm guessing it's about some other, totally unrelated shit that you've done." He said stepping closer to Curtis, "So If we're all done freaking out here over nothing, there's somewhere I need to be." He smirked at Curtis and patted his shoulder before walking out.

"Please tell me you don't actually believe that prick!" Curtis said looking over at us.

" Well, he has got a point" I said shrugging my shoulders, receiving a dirty look from him.

"Well whoever did it is just trying to freak us out, right? So just act normal" Kelly said.

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