The Storm

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The probation worker had finally split up the fight between Nathan and Jamie and had made us paint benches.

I was painting a bench with Nathan, Kelly was painting with Jamie and Simon, Curtis and Alisha were painting the other bench together.

"Ah man! There's paint on my cap! This is bullshit!" Jamie shouted kicking a lot of paint into the river next to us.

Everyone stared at him amused. He then started kicking and throwing around a trolley before storming over to the building. We all laughed watching as he struggled to open the door before he walked inside.

"I know you" Alisha smirked at Curtis.

"No you don't" Curtis replied avoiding the contact.

Now that she had mentioned it, I also recognised him from somewhere.

"Yes I do. You're that runner guy" she said looking at him, "You screwed up big time" she added smirking.

Now I knew who he was. He was a famous runner who'd been caught dealing drugs. They kicked him out of the team and said he couldn't join back. He fucked up his whole career.

"So I'm guessing shoplifting?" Nathan asked Kelly.

"Don't act like ya know me 'cause ya don't!" she said giving him a dirty look.

"I'm just making conversation. This is a chance to network with other young offenders, we should be swapping tips, brainstorming! " he exclaimed, "come on, what did you do?" He asked again.

"This girl called me a slag so I got in a fight" she muttered.

"Was this on the Jeremy Kyle show?" He asked smiling.

I tried to hold in my laugh but I couldn't. He looked over at me before looking back at her.

"No it was Argos" she replied.

"Oh know what you should've done? You should be got one of those little pens they have and jabbed it in her eye" he said using his hands to demonstrate how to do it.

She looked at him disgusted while I laughed again.

"What about you weird kid?" He looked over at Simon.

"Don't take this the wrong way of anything, but you look like a panty sniffer." He said pointing his paintbrush at him flicking white paint everywhere.

"I'm not a panty sniffer, I'm not a pervert." He replied bluntly.

Nathan started making movements with his paintbrush like he was jerking off. He started groaning and moaning. This got Simon annoyed and angry.

"I tried to burn someone's house down!" He said sternly.

Nathan immediately stopped and we all looked at him in shock.

After everyone had processed what Simon had said, Nathan turned to look at me.

"What about you? What did you do?" He asked staring into my eyes.

"I stole two bottles of vodka and a packet of cigarettes" I replied.

I kept eye contact before speaking. "What did you do?" I asked him.

"I was done for eating some pick 'n' mix" he said.

"Shut the fuck up" I laughed at him. I soon stopped once I saw the serious look on his face.

"I'm being serious!" He exclaimed shrugging his shoulders.

We all looked up at the sky as we heard a weird noise. It almost sounded like a belly grumbling really loud.

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