You distracted me!

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I walked up onto the roof, Curtis was sitting on a chair watching Nathan. He stood with two fingers on either side of his head, intensely staring at a bottle. What the fuck was this twat doing?

"What is going on?" I asked looking at him.

" Shhh, I'm trying to concentrate" he replied not looking away from the bottle.

I walked up to him and whispered in his ear, "you weren't telling me to shush last night" I smirked before laying down on the sofa.

His eyes went wide and his face went red. He looked away from the bottle to look at me. He didn't say anything. Did I make him speechless?

"You distracted me!" He groaned, kicking the glass bottle over and watching it smash into pieces.

He walked over to me, as I was about to move my legs for him, he grabbed my legs and lifted them up. He sat on the sofa and placed my legs on his lap. He put his hand on my thigh. He knew what he was doing.

Suddenly Simon ran through the door.

"We've got a problem!" He exclaimed, he looked worried, " they're going to dig up the bodies" he exclaimed.

We all looked over at him in shock.

"They're building an environmental monitoring station underneath the flyover!" Simon said loudly. He looked very panicked and to be honest, I was too.

"They're building a what?" Nathan asked, "that sounds made up. Are we supposed to know what that is?" He added.

"It's to measure the carbon monoxide from the flyover." Simon stated, " when they dig the foundations, they'll find the bodies! " he finished.


"We need to move them" Curtis whispered to us.

We were called to go to the main hall and finish sorting through the clothes pile since we didn't finish it yesterday.

"Oh, a couple of questions, how? Where? Are you out of your mind?!" Nathan whispered back harshly.

"If we leave them there, they'll find them" Curtis whispered back in the same time as him.

" Oh and digging them up and wandering around with them, that's a real low risk strategy " Nathan laughed sarcastically.

"Well have you got a better idea?" Curtis asked shrugging his shoulders.

"Yeah  I do have a better idea! Why don't you rewind time and stop us killing the probation worker?" Nathan whispered.

"show me how it works and I'll do it" Curtis replied rolling his eyes.

"We need a car" Simon stated.

"Have you got a car?" I asked him.

" No" he replied.

"Great! Maybe we should call a cab! Make it an eight seater!" Nathan said getting closer to Simon.

Kelly walked in really late. She looked over at us, she looked different today. She had her hair down for once and wore a pink cap and sunglasses. What was up with her?

"Where have you been?" Alisha asked.

" I had to go doctors " she replied looking down adjusting her cap.

"Yeah, well while you were getting your smear test, big shock! We found out the bodies are about to be dug up!" Nathan whispered the last part.

Her head shot up and she looked shocked. Simon explained to her about what they were building under the flyover.

"Can you get a car?" I asked her.

"Can you all fuck off?! " She shouted storming off.

We all looked at her in shock. What the fuck?

"Alright touchy! Alright come on! We're a bunch of young offenders and not one of us knows how to steal a car? That is pathetic!" Nathan said, I couldn't take him seriously as he had a black bra over his jumpsuit.

" I'll borrow my dad's car" Alisha said.

"Good idea" I smiled at her.


"So what do we do with the bodies after we've dug them up?" I asked.

" we weigh them down and toss them in the lake. " Curtis suggested.

"We can do that. But do you know what will happen next week? The council will dry the lake out!" Nathan replied. He was right, it was too risky.

" maybe we should bury them somewhere else? " Alisha asked.

"But I've had enough of all the digging and burying recently" Nathan groaned tiredly.

"You come up with something then!" Curtis exclaimed getting annoyed.

" we boil them in sulphuric acid, serial killer style! " he exclaimed proudly.

We all rolled out eyes at his stupidity.

"We could store them at the community centre until we decide what to do with them." Simon suggested.

" Oh great! The community centre! Because they have a special room for rotting dead bodies! " Curtis rolled his eyes.

"I guess we could store them upstairs, I have a key." Nathan said.

" why have you got a key? " Kelly asked him.

"I nicked them because I was living in the community centre before Y/N said I could live with her! Okay? Happy? Big secret revealed!" He exclaimed embarrassed .

Everyone went silent and got in the car awkwardly. There were only five seats and there were six of us. I claimed the back seat on the right, next to me in the middle was Simon, next to him was Curtis. In the front was Kelly and driving was Alisha. Nathan stood outside of the car awkwardly.

"Where am I sitting then?" He asked.

He shrugged his shoulders before opening the back door next to Curtis. He crawled into the back and sprawled himself out on me Simon and Curtis. His head was in my lap and his feet in Curtis' lap. Simon awkwardly sat there not knowing where to put his hands.

Nathan sighed, he was stressed but so was everyone else. He picked my hands up and put them in his hair. He smiled and closed his eyes as I gently played with his dark curls. He soon fell asleep snoring loudly. This only aggravated everyone even more, everyone but me. I thought it was cute.

Once we got there, Alisha had parked the car underneath the flyover. We used the headlights as a torch since it was pitch black outside. After we had finally woke Nathan up, we started digging.

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