Community Service

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I opened the old rusty locker and saw a bright orange jumpsuit sitting on a hanger. Great.

"I am not wearing this!" A girl next to me groaned, annoyed.

she was really pretty. She had beautiful curly brown hair which was tied back in a bun. Her eyes were a hazel colour and her skin was an almond colour. She wore makeup and gold hooped earrings.

She looked over at me, "Can you believe they're making us wear these?!" She exclaimed pointing at the bright orange fabric in her hands.

Before I could reply, more people walked in. There were five of them. Four boys and one more girl.

The girl had dirty blonde hair slicked back into a high ponytail. She wore heavy makeup which made her look slightly orange. She wore similar gold hoops as the other girl. She looked like a chav.

She walked past us claiming a locker. She groaned as she saw the ugly jumpsuit sitting waiting for her.

There was a tall boy who walked past me and took the other locker next to the curly haired girl. He had dark black hair and dark skin, his eyes were a dark brown colour. He was really tall and had broad shoulders. He had on a vest which was showing off his muscles.

Another one of the boys had opened a locker further away from us. He looked like a quiet person. He had dark brown hair flattened down on his forehead. He had bright blue wide eyes and an impressive jawline. He was a lot shorter than the other boys.

The next boy to walk in had earphones in his ears. He had a bounce in his walk and as he saw us, he gave us all a dirty look. He took the locker next to the chav.

He was wearing a cap which looked almost too big for his head. He had dark brown eyes and his jaw looked slightly wonky. He had small moles spread across his face and was also wearing a thick chain. He clearly thought he was a gangster.

The last boy caught my eye the most. He took the locker directly opposite me, behind me. He had dark brown, almost black hair. It was really curly and suited him well. He had dark green eyes and was also really tall. He was just a tiny bit shorter than the first guy. He was really good looking.


After the probation worker had finally forced us all to get into the hideous jumpsuits and introduce ourselves to each other, he made us stand outside listening to his long boring speech. We all stood against the railing waiting for him to talk.

"This is it, your last chance to do something positive. Give something back. You can help people, you can really make a difference to people's lives. That's what community service is all about. You know, the people out their think you're scum." He spoke slowly which just made him even more boring.

"You have an opportunity to show them that they're wrong." He added.

"Yeah but what if they're right? No offence" The good looking boy (Nathan) said looking over at the boy in the cap (Jamie) before continuing, "But I'm just thinking some people are born criminals" He finished before pointing towards Jamie.

His accent shocked me, he had a heavy Irish accent. It only made him more attractive.

"Are you looking to get stabbed?!" Jamie shouted turning towards him.

"You see my point there?" Nathan said looking back at the probation worker.

The curly haired girl (Alisha) looked down at her pocket as her phone rung.

"I can't talk right now. I'm doing community service." She said after answering the call.

"Hey" the probation worker said trying to catch her attention. She ignored him.

"Boring as fuck" she smirked talking into the phone.

"Hey, hello? I'm still talking here!" He spoke louder getting annoyed.

"Well I thought you'd finished!" She snapped back.

"Well you see my lips still moving which means I'm still talking. " he replied.

"Yeah, well you could've been yawning or chewing" Nathan said only making him more angry.

"Hang the phone up!" He said ignoring him.

she ignored him once again causing him to start shouting at her.

"You alright there weird kid?" Nathan asked the boy with wide eyes ( Simon)

He ignored him and looked down at his feet awkwardly. Yup, he's definitely the quiet one.

"I'll call you later" Alisha said hanging up the phone.

Nathan leaned over to Jamie and blew him a kiss trying his best to annoy him. It worked.

"I'll rip your throat out and shit down your neck!" Jamie threatened looking at him disgusted.

"I shouldn't be in this group" The tall boy (Curtis) said kissing his teeth.

Nathan continued to annoy Jamie and they soon ended up pushing each other around.

"Can I move to a different group? This ain't gonna work for me" Curtis spoke up looking around at us.

"Erm, what makes ya think you're better than us?" The chav (Kelly) said.

She had a very heavy derby accent. Nathan stopped what he was doing and looked over at her in shock.

"What is that accent?!" Nathan exclaimed.

I laughed at the expression plastered on his face.

"Is that for real?" Curtis asked.

"Are ya trying to say something?" Kelly turned to him.

"It's- are you- that's just a noise! Are we supposed to be able to understand her?" Nathan questioned the probation worker.

"Do ya understand that?" She said sticking her middle finger up at Nathan.

I laughed and he looked over at me smirking. He wrapped his arm around Jamie looking at me.

"I think she likes me" he wriggled his eyebrows pointing at me.

I rolled my eyes watching as Jamie got angry and started pushing him again. They ended up in another pathetic fight. We all laughed watching them bicker and run from each other.

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