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Not every memory that's forgotten truly leaves you. They can be pushed down so deep that it seems like they're gone, but there are certain memories that are too powerful to be truly lost. The brain has a funny way of protecting itself from harm. It turns traumatic memories into something more pleasant. Something that won't be as destructive and toxic as the truth. Something that won't be so painful to the mind when you try to recall what happened.

The brain is constantly trying to save itself from its own thoughts. It wanders to more pleasing realms in its own unconsciousness. Even when the most pleasant of times are also the most painful.

There was a gentle breeze in their air. The summer sun shined in all her glory over the field of wildflowers. I lay under the biggest willow tree, the shade creating the perfect place to lay and daydream. Small red flowers cover the field. They blow lazily in the breeze, dancing to a silent melody.

I am looking toward the sky. White, fluffy clouds slowly make their way across my vision, turning cotton candy pink with the setting sun. The world is muffled. I hear muffled laughter. My laughter. There is someone else with me too, laughing alongside me.

There's a conversation, but I cannot make out the words that are said. Just the distorted sound of two voices.

I turn my head and see a dark-haired man laying next to me. He's on his back, his arms lazily behind his head. He smiles, his eyes are soft and happy. He's young. Handsome.

He moves his mouth to talk, but I can't hear what he's saying. Like I'm behind a wall, I can hear that he's talking, but can't make out the muffled words. Strange, but that's okay. I just smile at him and look back up to the sky.

I'm happy.

I see him turn on his side, away from me. When he turns back toward me he is holding one of the little red flowers from the field. He gently brushes my hair back behind my ear and places the flower there. He pulls his hand away and smiles at me, admiring his work.

I again stare back toward the sky. The breeze cool against my skin, the grass tickling under me. I close my eyes.

I have no worries. I am at peace.

My eyes snap open as the dark-haired man grabs my arm. He's frantic, mouthing words that again, I cannot hear. He's yanking my arm, trying to get me to move with him.

I don't understand. I can't understand.

He's shouting, his panic-stricken face desperate for me to understand him. He keeps pointing to the sky and then pulling me forward. 

He drags me out from under the tree, fingers wrapped tight around my wrist. I look up, the sky is blue, but turning pink and orange as the sun sinks below the horizon. A perfect summer evening sky.

I don't understand.

Then I am thrown off my feet. A fiery blaze heats my face and I hit the ground hard. I tumble over and over again, so ravenous I think that I might never stop. I finally stop on my back, my limbs heavy and head pounding. The dust burns my lungs and clouds my vision. There's nothing but ringing in my ears. My head throbs with pain.

A shadow appears over me and everything fades to black.

Flowers in the Darkest Parts: Bucky Barnes X OCWhere stories live. Discover now