1, the lord over kamadeva, a narada narayana story, part 1.

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a sage sat meditating atop the mountains of the gods, the mount meru. it was usual for him to go deep into meditation for days, weeks, or months, but today, the case was different.

the sage had started his meditation 16 years ago. he had gone deeply into his meditation, that it worried someone in the heavens. about his identity, he is famous throughout the trilok , his skills in trouble making , not for bad, but for the grater good. mischievous as his dear lord upon whom he meditated. people called him the triloka sanchari, the traveller across  the 3 worlds, and the news deliverer across the trilok. 

actually, he had so retrieved into his lord , vishnu, that he had not known time as it passed by.


indra sat on his thrown, his worry increasing by the Minute. swami, he Heard his wife behind him. Swivelling his head arround, he met sachi's eyes. she held a platter in her hands, her face lased with consern. 

swami, are you alright?she asked in worry. indra fourced a smile onto his face and nodded. yes, priye. why do you ask? swami, don't you dare hide anything from me. i am your better half, and i know if you're worried about anything. indra lowered his eyes , accepting defeat. sachi, he said. i am worried about sage narada. narada? why?. what have the sage done to worry the lord of the devas?. indra smiled at her and replyed. he's been doing tapasya for 16 years now. usually, he never went on with his meditation for this long. 

swami, may be the sage is Engrossed in his meditation and may not have known the time go by. may be, sachi. but, i am worried. what if the sage wants some power to capture up the heavens? and the 3 worlds like many others?sachi stared at indra in dispare. swami, are you serious? you're doubting sage narada, the greatest devotee off lord vishnu. and i don't think that the sage is meditating to attain any kind of powers, and that too to capture the heavens.

anyways, please have your dinner, she said handing the platter to indra who kept it on the table nearby, saying that he wasn't hungry. sachi cied and left mumbling something under her breath. 


rati was worried 

  it has not been long sinse she had reunited with her husband and devendra wants him to go and disturb another sage? really?.

rati, priya, she heard kamdeva next to her and turned her face toward him. i know what you're thinking. don't worry , everything will be alright. just cal--- swami, isn't it the same diolog that you had said to me when you went to wake shiva up from his meditation, for the reunian of his and parvati's?what did you get in return?it is due to the grase of prabhu vishnu and lakshmi mata that you were born as pradyumna in the dwapar yug and were able to reunite with me.

do you want to get separated from me again? tell me. rati could not control her tears anymore. she broke down, sobbing . 

kamadeva knew that it wasn't easy for him to console his wife nore can he stay away from the orders of the king. he knew what he was doing, was totally wrong, but what could he, a deva under the kingship of lord indra, do?he had to do his duty, no matter whatever the case was.


kamadeva stood before the meditating narada. he sent a Silent prayer to the gods above before starting on with his work. kamadeva first made the cold and winty mountans into spring, with melodious birds and blooming flowers all arround. he then made fountains to appear all around the sage, their melodious waters creating a romantic atmosphere. narada sat there, unmoving, still deep in his meditation , not knowing about the drama that was unfolding before him.

afterword, kamadeva aimed his arrow straight at naradas heart. and shot it. still, no responce.

then, he called on to the apsaras to dance before the sage, as his arrow hit its target.

no responces.

narada did not even open his eyes.  kamadeva was Surprised. 

even his arrow of love didn;t wake him up?what a powerful sage he is.  even my arrows that can instill love in anyone's heart and wake them up from anything didn't work on the sage? that ment only one thing, he was now the lord of love, in the sense, the lord over kama. . 

kamadeva accepted his defeat and sat down at the sages feet. finally, fealing something , narada opened his eyes, to find the lord of love, kamadeva sitting at his feat, his head hung low. 

narayana, narayana. he exclamed as he saw kamadeva. the god of love looked up, at the sage, begging for forgiveness .

narada, still confused, stared back at the god.

what for, he asked kamadeva to which, the latter explained what had transpired in devaloka and why he was here , and what he had done. narada smiled at him and forgave him, before standing up and thinking to himself, really, kamadeva's arrows didn't have any effects on me?thinking so, he directly went to kailash, where lord shiva smiled at him warmly.

welcome, welcome, sage narada.  what brings you here? is there any mischeives up your sleevs,?narada smiled and said, lord, i won over kamadeva. shiva , who knew everything heard narada's story and patted him on the back.  oh lord over kama, even i was not able to resist the arrows of kamadeva.  parvati smiled at shiva and jestured at the statue of lord vishnu that stood a little faraway from where they stood. lord shiva smiled and prased narada so much, that he grew really proud of himself. you told this to me, oh narada., but you should not tell this to hari. narada mistook shiva's words.he thought that the lord had grown gelous of him and thus told him not to tell his achievement to his dearest lord vishnu. so, he started his journey to vaikuntha.

***a/n, so here is the first chapter. this story is one of my favorite stories.  this is not it, there's a lot more to the story. what do you think?how will lord vishnu react to narada's achievement?will he prase narada like shiva, or no?stay tuned to know. do comment if you liked the chapter


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