6, dhruva.

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Utanapada was the decendant of the manu and his wife satrupa.

He was a valiant king as virtuas as the manu himself.

He , after the time of his father's rains, took on the rains of the earth. Under his rains, the earth prospered immensely.


Utanapada weighted anxiously before the labour chaimbers of his wife, queen suniti.

it would be a new experience for him. he'd be holding his child in his arms for the first time. he'd be a father ..

his anxiety. grew as suniti's screams filled all over the palace.

finally, after a long waight, there was an year piercing scream, and , there....

the sweet, melodious, cute, cryes of a baby could be heard.

the king was overjoyed. he was extatic, to be frank.

the midwives came out of the chaimbers with the baby wrapped in a blanket.

"pranam, maharaj. she said.

it is  a prince".

the king was all the more happier now. he'd now have an air for his Kingdom.

he went inside the chaimbers , holding his little prince in his arms.

the baby opened its eyes and stared at his father in aw.

utanapada smiled at him and kissed his forhead jently.

he then placed a kiss on suniti's forhead, who awoke as soon as she felt her husband's presents in the room.

"swami, isn't he beautiful?"

she asked utanapada as he nodded in afformation.

"have you dicided a name for the prince, maharaj, " the midwives asked the king to which he nodded..

"Dhruva, the king pronounced as the whole of the kingdom broke into chears for the newborn prince.


suniti was distrot.

her husband had married again, and she was not against it.

but after his second marriage, he never had time for her or their son.

he showed and showered love upon his second wife, suruchi.

he never came to her or their son anymore, like he did usually.

suruchi was indeed beautiful, but there was something about her that was not right.

being the first wife of the king, sunithi had the rights over her husband as much as did suruchi. but utanapada just now showed his favoritism to his younger wife.


dhruva was 4 years old when suruchi gave birth to another handsom prince. she , had a condition. whatsoever, that her son would be the next air to the throne, not his first son, dhruva.

the prince was named utama.

suniti was  heart broken when she came to know the news from the mades . she was even more broken when she heard that her husband had agried to the condition of suruchi.


it was a beautiful day in the kingdom of utanapada. utama was playing on his father's lap. dhruva was merely 6 as he sported this and had a wish to sit on his father's lap as well.

so, without even a second thought, the inocent child ran to his father and sat on his lap, angering suruchi immediately.

utanapaada however, remained blank. this was the boy from whom he had experienced fatherhood for the first time. it would be a sin if he just didn't allow his firstborn to play and have equal rights on him like his second son.

but suruchi, however was of a kind. she immediately jumped up from her throne, and shouted at dhruva.

"get out, you reched boy. that place of your father belongs to my son and my son alone."

Dhruva heard this and the boys lotus eyes filled with tears.

" mata suruchi, please, utama is playing on pitashri's lap, so why can't i?" dhruva asked, almost sobbing , his cute face full of greef.

"because, " suruchi breathed heavily. " you, are , not , born, from , my , womb. go, pray, to shrihari , that you'd have a birth in my womb to have the place on your father's lap. or, just , go , ask hari, to take you, in his, lap...."

suruchi screamed, making the young boy to jump down from his father's lap in fear, and ran off to his mother's chaimbers.



hari, the  lord of eternal love, short stories on narayana✔️Where stories live. Discover now