8. the fortune of meeting the preserver and to become the brightest.

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Madhuvana had a pleasant climate. It was peaceful to be meditating there. As soon as Dhruva had reached there, he was in aw seeing the beauty of the forrest. The river Yamuna flowed a little farther away, her dark blue waters enhancing the beauty of the forrest.

Dhruva sat down, near a fruit baring tree, and closed his eyes. He didn't know how the form of the lord whom he was about to propiciate looked like. But he knew what so ever, the lord was handsom.

He started his chants in a low voice, eyes closed. "om namo narayanaya". He kept on chanting and slowly, a form emerged in his heart.

A beautiful god was before him, his face shining like thousand suns . his eyes having nothing but love and compassion in them. He had a beautiful smile eched onto his beautiful face. His lotus eyes were deep like the ocian. His 4 mighty arms held the shankha, the chakra, the gata, and a lotus. His pitambar just enhanced his beauty. His lotus feat shon as Dhruva surrendered his heart to his lotus feat. He then remembered narada's words. Before he headed to the forrest, the munivara was kind enough to teach him the manthra to please the preserver. " OM NAMO NARAYANAYA.close your eyes and chant this, my boy. You'll see a form in your heart. Meditate upon the form, and you'll gain what you desire".

So, Dhruva's chants increased. His voice could now be heard all over the forests. Animals, birds, and other small creatures in the forrest had been blissful hering the lord's chants eco through the peaceful forests of madhuvana.

Days passed, and Dhruva started to feal hunger and thurst creap into him. "its been only a few days. I am fealing hungry, " the boy thought as he slowly stood up, climbed a tree and gathered some fruits. He had them and sustained his young life. His dittermination didn't waver for a moment. His only aim was to seek the darshan of the grate lord, vishnu.

his chants ecoed through the forrests of madhuvana..


Seasons changed, and soon winter had its way into the forrest.

It had been 2 months sinse Dhruva started up with his penance.

Winter was at its peak at that time.

Madhuvana experienced snowfall at these times.  snow fell heavily, draping the young boy in white frost. he shivered, but still continued to sit under the tree and continued his chants.

Dhruva was sustaining his life using bits of grass now. He had stopped fealing the need to have something days ago.

However, he had started to grow week on the third month. Water was the only thing he took in to keep himself healthy and energitic, to continue his penence.


One day, as dhruva was up to drink some water, he saw a rishi meditating under a tree, just a few feat away from the river Kalindi.

He  went up to the rishivar and bowed.

The sage was not deep in his meditation, so he was kind enough to open his eyes and look at the little boy standing in front of him, his head bowed.

The sage had seen the boy sitting under the tree and meditating deeply. He had arrived here a few days ago.

"pranipath, rishivar." Dhruva said as the sage gave a fond smile to him.

"pranipath, child. Who are you, little one? Why are you here in these dangerous forests? And are you trying to pleasethe lord vishnu? I know you are not a brahamin due to your built. I think you are a kshatriya. Am I right?"

hari, the  lord of eternal love, short stories on narayana✔️Where stories live. Discover now