5, vishnu or shiva, part 2.

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Vaikuntha was as beautiful as ever. The ksheera sagara spluttered and splashed playfully around the lordand his companion. He had a sweet, yet sad smile on his beautiful face. His lotus eyes remained closed, as garuda, sesha, and ksheera along with Lakshmi sat around him,immersed in a heated discussion.

"no no no no no , I know that prabhu's not gonna accept the offer, garuda said with his wings raced up."

"u sure garuda? Sesha questioned, his face a mask of calmness."

"yeah, for sure. "

"shiva's vishnu's aradhya, and I've never heard of a fight between anaradhya and his bhakta."

"well, then vishnu's shiva's aradhya as well, ksheera pointed out " "so, the chances of the fight has gone to 0, garuda said proudly"

"you seam cirtain, garuda" lakshmi's smooth voice interrupted garuda's words. "why do you say so , mata?" . "that's because I think that he'd agree to fight with shiva."

Lakshmi said, as the trio's eyes went wide with shock.

"mata, " all the three of them said in unison.," why do you say so? Garuda questioned to which Chanchala gave a smile filled with wisdom. Her eyes sparkled with knowledge that she held within her. That's because, this Is the only way for the universe to recognise that hari and hara are equal and one."

"well said, priye, vishnu's calm voice boomed across vaikuntha, bringing a smile onto lakshmi's moonlike face."

The other 3 bowed to him respectfully before garuda asked, " pprabhu, so when narada and indra would arrive at vaikuntha, are you gonna readily agree for the fight? " " I will agree for sure, but ... Vishnu smiled mischievously before sitting up straight on the thousand headed sesha.


indra asked shiva if he was ready for the fight. shiva reluctantly agreed.

"i agree only on a condition, we shall not use our selestial weapons against each other".

indra nodded his head in agreement and came down to inform narada about  the happenings in kailash.


"narayana narayana 

the calls of narada made vaikuntha to glow bright, like the polestar in the skys.

jaya and vijaya greeted the sage humbly and then he went inside .

narada entered the lord's place and found him, garuda, ksheera, sesha, and lakshmi together discussing something ammidst themselves.

"narayana narayana" he informed of his presents by chanting vishnu's name, making vishnu to look up and smile at his devotee.

"welcome , narada".

" i know why you're here, and i am telling  

"shiva is the last person that i would like to fight with, and he's not that easy to fight with"

"prabhu, narada said. see how indradev has convinsed mahadev to just have a small duel between the both of  you, just for our satisfaction? so that this world can know that you are the suppream one?"

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