the liberating food, the meal of the lord, part 3.

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"go now, lakshmi . give narada the prasada" vishnu said after taking a little morsal of the meal.

Lakshmi smiled happily at her lord before going out and handing over the platter of prasada to narada.

"amma, did prabhu partake the food?" . narada asked and received a nod from lakshmi's side.

Narada had a morsal and immediately became extatic. He took out his veena and the chants of Narayana, Narayana, filled the hole of vaikuntha.

Then, he ran out, after partaking the meal of his lord going around the 14 worlds chanting his lords name in revrance and devotion.

As soon as narada reached satyaloka, and ran around as if he was on fire, brahma , his father and Saraswati, his mother, had surprised looks on their faces.

"what is wrong with him, swami? Is this the start of another mischieve of his?" saraswati's question made a small smile to appear on brahma's lips.

"may be, Bharati" brahma replyed.

"he doesn't seam to be in a condition to answer our question. He'd have received something special from vishnu, it seams".

Brahma said to which Saraswati nodded.


Narada then took of to kailash, the abode of the divine cupple shiva and Parvati.

"Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana". He ran hither and thither in kailash, surprising the umapati who looked at him as if he knew nothing.

Swimming in the waves of vishnubhakti, narada failed to notice the three eyed lord approach him with a confused look on his face. "narada, what is wrong with you today? Why are you so extatic ? did you receive something from shrihari, that made you to go this extatic?" the lord shankara questioned a now sheepishly smiling narada, who had come out his trance hearing the voice of Kailashnath.

"prabhu, accept my obeisances. I just had the fortune to have the mahaprasada of shrihari. That was the reason for my extacy".

"oh, really, narada? Have you brought some for me as well? Narada stared at his left hand to find his veena then he looked at his right hand, to find a small morsal sticking to his index finger. He didn't know what to do now. If he saidno what if the umapati would get angry upon him? also, how can he give that small morsal sticking to his finger to the lord of the universe? Several thoughts ran through the mind of the devarishi before shiva spoted the morsal and picked it up from narada's finger, putting the morsal into his mouth, immediately fealing extacy settle into him.

He was so extatic that he started to perform the Anandatandava. However, the dance was Ananda tandava for a short while, as the pace of the stepps of the lord spead up. Hering the commotion, gawri, who was busy talking with nandi, came out to find her swami dancing with some much amount of bliss on his face.

Narada begged her to stop the lord with his eyes.

Parvati intervened and had her hand on shiva's sholder, stopping the lord and bringing him back to his sences.

"what made you dance thus, swami? There is no danger for the universe, neither is it the time for distruction. ".

"it was no dance of distruction, Parvati. I did the Ananda tandava which turned into rudra tandava because of the extream bliss I just had".

"what made you so blissful, prabhu?".

"I had the fortune to taste the most ospicious of meals, the mahaprasada of shrihari.

"swami, have you kept some for me as well? I have always wanted to taste bratha's special meal".

Parvati's question made shiva perplexed. He had only gotten a morsal, and now Parvati was asking for the same thing too.

Parvati saw the answer in shiva's eyes and fury started to take its place in the till then calm parvati's body.

She was slowly turning into her raudraroopa, of bhadrakali.

"bring me the mahaprasada, by any means. " she said.

"Oh narayana, Shiva thought as he prayed to his aaradhya in his mind"..


"vishnu had had enough entertainment for that day as he managed to control his laughter that chimed across the 3 worlds. Lakshmi was litrally in ksheera while laughing so hard, that after managing to control his still bubbling laughter, vishnu lifted her up from the waters of ksheera.".

"s-swami, I I I h-have to s-say that, narada, is , such a-" lakshmi managed to say.

"I I know, lakshmi. After all, he's my devotee" vishnu said , still laughing.

"swami, we must go now, or ells, may be the entire Trilok will suffer from the fury of sakhi Parvati".

"Ha ha, yes, priye".

Sesha and ksheera watched, amused, as the lord and the goddess of vaikuntham mounted garuda and took off, straight to kailash.


The site that greeted lakshminarayana made them to giggle more. Shiva was trying to calm down an angry Parvati, who would turn into kali at any moment. "gawri, listen, listen. Please, I will ask Narayana to get you his meal. He wont refuse it, would he?".

"I I w-wont, Mahadev". Shiva heard a voice from above him. he looked up and found the vaikuntha natha and vaikuntha nayaki mounted on garuda were watching him struggle with his dear Parvati.

As Parvati saw her brother, her anger started to calm down in a slow pace. She started to sulk and pout and make cute faces like a child.

"bratha, bratha. Don't you think that it was not fair that you gave the prasada only to -him-" Parvati pointed to Mahadev to which vishnu burst out laughing, again where as lakshmi climbed down from garuda and stood beside her sisterfriend.

"priye gawri. Stop acting like a child. You are the jagat Janani. Now, calm down and I will give you as much mahaprasada as you want."

Vishnu said, smiling. Parvati pouted and nodded. "fine, bratha. You will give the mahaprasada not only to me, but also to our children, our creation. Isn't it said that whom ever will have the fortune to have your meal that is partaken by you shall get immediate liberation from his/her sins? So grant me this boon that you will fullfill this wish of myne".

Parvati declared, and vishnu smiled." Parvati, in kaliyuga, shortly after my krishna avatar, I will incarnate on puri as jagatnath. My meal, will be offered there. You will be there as bhimala devi, right in my courtyard. My mahaprasada will be offered to you first before it is offered to shiva, for he refused to give you the prasada" vishnu winked at shiiva as he said this. "prabhuuuu. You can't do that. " . "calm down, prabhu Mahadev. That's for my little sister. " shiva nodded and smiled . 


a/n, it is said that who ever will have the mahaprasada of purijagatnath will be liberated for this very reason.

hope you liked it.

thanks for reading.

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