9, who is the gratest??, a short story.

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narada was happy to visit vaikuntha after a very long time.

he was busy doing his meditation to pay a visit to his mother and his lord.

so, excitedly , narada went and stood at the doors of vaikuntham. his heart filling with bliss that he never got tired of experiencing.

"Welcome, devarishi narada".

Jaya and Vijaya greeted him.

"how is everything, " Narada asked.

Everything is going on very well, devarishi. They replyed in unison.

"may I have the permission to enter the lord's residents, narada asked mischievously. "whynot, munivara? Do you need our permission to enter his abode, anyways?" jaya asked in astonishment.

Narada laughed and entered inside, to find vishnu standing a little farther away from him, thinking something.

"Narayana Narayana". Narada greeted vishnu and touched his feat.

"welcome, narada." Vishnu welcomed him and embraced him.

"where's mata? Prabhu? " narada asked. "oh, narada." Lord vishnu cied before telling, sadness evident in his tone. " she has gone to be born as bhargavi to rishi Bhrigu. I think I'd have to get her back, again. .

"so you are alone, right?" narada asked, when he heard a squiel behind vishnu. "nooooooooo." We're all here, with him. rishivara." Ksheera jumped in front of him, sesha looking at her in exasperation.

"we know that, ksheera. You don't have to over react" sesha said.

Vishnu laughed at their antics.

"Listen, narada. I have a question for you." Vishnu said.

Who or what is the best thing ever, in this universe?

Vishnu asked, to a confused narada.

"er, um, the ocian?" narada tried . "fine, but doesn't the wind control the waves of the ocian, then how can ocian be the best?". Vishnu shot back.

"fine, then. The wind is the best. " . "oh dear narada. The wind is the part of our creation. It's the part of the panchabhoota. " vishnu said, his tone even more mischievous.

Narada was confused now. Yeah, it was true that like always, his visit to vaikuntham had a reason.

He had a doubt if the lord loved his devotees like they had told?

But, lord vishnuu was acting staringly today.

"lord, then the creation, is , the , best?" narada said , uncertain about his answers." . "no, narada. For according to you, I am the lord of the creations. So, am I not the best? " vishnu asked, his eyes gleaming with innocence.

Ksheera and sesha were trying to control their bubbling laughter at the lord's mischeive.

They'd already gotten up to him and knew where he was going with this.

Garuda entered at that moment, and grew confused at the perplexed expression on narada's face, ksheera and sesha trying hard not to burst out into fits of laughter, and lord vishnu glowing with mischeive evident in each and every part of his body.

"prabhu. Forgive me. Pleaseeeee. I had known it all along that you were the gratest. Yet, yet, I doubted. On – narada, I am not the gratest. Remember that narada who has captured me in his heart, and never let me go from there?. That narada whom I love so much that I can bring the entire universe upside down for . so who is the gratest now, dear narada?

Realisation dawned upon narada at that instant.

"I knew about the doubt that had risen up in your mind, dear one. Now, what do you think, do I not love my devotees? Tell me, who is the gratest now, narada?

"prabhu, forgive me for doubting you and your love. The answer to your question is your devotees are equally gratest as you are, my lord".

"forgive me, prabhu, for everything". Narada said, tears slowly making its way down his vishnu smiled at the devarishi, and blessed him heartily.


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