12, krishna, even in sleep?a madhavparth story.

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Dwaraka was brighter that day. Their king, dwarakadhish shri krishna was extreamly happy that day. Wanna know the reason? Yeah, his dearest parth was there, as usual, to spend some quality time with his beloved  Madhava.

"paaaaaaaaaarth." "maaaaaaaaadhavvvvaaaaaaa". Both screamed in unison..

 "finally you're here, after sooo long". Krishna said, his eyes twinkling with excitement.

"after all that you had done Madhava, it is impossible for us brothers to not come and pay you a visit. 

" it had been only a few months sinse the rajasuya yagya was successfully completed. Yudhishtira, and his 3 younger siblings, i.e, bhima, nakula, and sahadeva, had their own business to look after. Arjuna was the only free person in the kingdom of indraprasta. He was the commander in chief of the army, but you know, everybody needs to take a brake. So that is what arjuna had done, took a short brake to visit the golden city and his golden jewel, his dearest madhav.

"how are yudhishtira, bhim, nakula, and sahadeva doing? Partha?" , krishna asked to arjuna, to which he smiled .

 "they're all well and alive, Madhava. All by your grase". "ohh, really? But what have I done, dear partha?". Krishna stated dramatically . "if anything is there in our hands or under our control now, it is all because of you, Madhava.". arjuna remarked, his eyes shining with love and gratitude to his Madhava.

"rajkumar arjuna?" subhadra's excited voice greeted arjuna as he steped into the palace gates of dwaravati.?" Krishna's dramatic voice sounded behind arjuna.

"princess Subhadra?" how are you, princess? " arjuna asked bluntly. Subhadra had a soft hiew of red on her cheeks now. "i-I am fine, prince. " . how can she not be fine when she's under my care, partha

Startilled, he turned to find a grinning krishna behind him.

"Madhava. You are mysterious. " arjuna said out of the blue. "I know, partha. " krishna said.

"subhadhre? You don't want your brother now, do you"?

"what? Really, krishna?" "whats wrong with you.you are here with me all the time , you are around me. So, ". "you don't want me when you saw partha. " . "subhadra blushedd.


"ok, now. Come in, all of you. " devaki's voice greeted the 2 siblings.

"mathulani Devaki". Arjuna touched her feat . "ayushman bhava." Devaki blessed arjuna.

"bhadre, can you please deal with mata". Krishna's tone was filled with nervousness. "have you done something that would have angered mata, krishna?" Subhadra asked to which she received a sheepish smile from krishna and she understood what he was talking about. "again, you stole butter from mata's kitchen, is that right? Navanithachora?". Krishna smiled innocently. "you see bhadre. Butter is my favourite. And um, no one can ever separate me and butter.". Subhadra facepalmed and nodded to arjuna who stood there, confused at their banter. "nothing serious, partha. Just I stole some butter and you know, must handle mata now. Lets go, " krishna said and tried to escape as devaki's glance fell on the mischievous lord. "come here, notty boy". Devaki called "mata, I tell , honestly, that I will never ever ever ever steal butter from the kitchen again. " . "I've been hereing this sinse years, kanna. And I am sure that you are not going to change. ". Krishna showed his best innocent face ever. And as expected, Devaki melted and lead them all into the palace.


After spending some time in the palace, the friends dicided to go out and explore dwaravati. Arjuna had seen most parts of the city, yet not the hole city . so he wanted to go out and see the entire city of dwaravati. Krishna, being the ever kindest friend that he was, agreed to show him the city. And off they went, on the chariot of krishna.

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