the liberating food, the meal of the lord, part 2.

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It was almost noon and Lakshmi was extreamly pleased with the survice of her son like narada. "amma, do you want me to do anything ells, aa?", "no, narada. You have done a lot of work today, and that's more than enough. You may ask for anything from me, in return for the survice you did to me. ". "mata, narada gasped. I am your son andi expect nothing in return for the survice I do to you and prabhu. ". "fine, then. You wontallow a mother to give her son a gift?". "mata, you are exactly like prabhu ". Narada pouted . "ask me anything and I promice to grant anything to you.".

An idea clicked narada as he asked, " amma, you sure you will grant anything to me?" "yes, narada. Ask away.".

Lakshmi smiled sweetly at narada who had a mischievous glint in his eyes. "amma, can you give me the lords meal, the mahaprasada, as many of his devotees call it to be? I , too like to be fortunate enough to taste a morsel of prabhu's meal". Narada said and looked for a reaction on his mother's face. He had expected her usual divine smile, but she had turned pale. "mata, is there any problem? " "prabhu had ordered not to give his meal to anyone just today. " Lakshmi muttered to herself, just a bit louder that narada herd it clearly. "mata, you had told you would grant me any thing I had asked for . are you going back on your word?". Lakshmi forced a smile onto her lips. Waight here, narada. Will get the mahaprasada for you. " she said as she went inside.


Vishnu looked on as lakshmi, who was happy till she went to narada, came in with a pale face. She had her eyes lowered and face masked in a fake smile.

"lakshmidevi?". He asked as lakshmi refused to look up. "what happened, devi? Did narada put you into any kind of trouble?" he asked again, to which he got no response.

"may I know what is troubling you, at least, priye? Or is it so so so troublsm that my Priya wont tell it to me?". "what is it that you don't know, swami?" lakshmi said as she now looked up, the turmoil in her eyes clearly visible. "what? What have I known and hidden from you, lakshmi?" vishnu asked back to which he received a glare. "you know what had hapend between narada and me, don't you?" . "may be, and may be not. ". Vishnu said giving a mischievous smile. "you sure? You wont tell me lakshmi?" vishnu asked again, to which he received a defeated cy from his wife. "I may or may not know the happenings between you and narada. What about you make me aware of what had transpired between the both of you?". Lakshmi sat down beside him, as ksheera's waters jently brushed her feat.

"I was extreamly pleased with that mischievous devotee of yours, prabhu. I asked him to ask anything he wanted and he asked for your mahaprasada which you had ordered not to give it to anyone just today? How can I go back on my word, and how can I not follow your orders?"

"I said not to give it to the wrong person, lakshmi. I never said that you follow my orders . do as you wish, priye, for I am not restricting you from doing what you like".

"but swami?". No buts, lakshmi. Go, give him my meal and be happy.

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