2, mayavati, sheelanidhi, and shrimati., a narada narayana story, part 2.

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vaikuntha was as serene as always. the lord of the universe lay reclining on adisesha, the eternal serpent.

his consort, lakshmi , sat serving him with lots of love and devotion. vishnu's eyes  fluttered  open all of a sudden,  his lotus petaled eyes twinkling.

lakshmi knew that twinkle in his eyes.

she looked at him in question. is there a reason for that twinkle in your eyes? she asked, her tone mischivous.

vishnu nodded, and smiled fondly at her, before pointing his finger at the main doors of vaikuntham. he's coming. time for another leela. he said before closing his eyes and drifting of. lakshmi cot up with him, and smiled to herself.


as soon as narada reached at the doors of vaikuntha, he greeted jaya and vijaya, the gate keepers of vaikuntha.

after gaining their permission, he steped inside, only to find his lord in his devine sleep. he looked forword for his mother,  but didn't find her near the lord.

N--- welcome, narada. lord vishnu said, his eyes opening to reveal those beautiful eyes filled with nothing, but compassion, mercy  and love for his devotee.

what brings you here to my humble abode?

lord vishnu asked,, his eyes twinkling again.

didn't you know of my recent achievement prabhu? narada questioned,  bewildered.

achievement? what achievement?, vishnu asked back innocently.

you're all knowing, yet,- you know narada, i love hering things from the mouths of my devotees, vishnu said.

narada explained everything that had happend , adding a bit of his own masala to it.

lord vishnu did not even utter a word, but went on smiling.

narada was surprised on vishnu's reaction. he had thought that the lord would appreciate narada for his achievement and prace him like shiva did.

don't you have anything to say, lord?

narada asked, to which lord vishnu shook his head, and went on smiling.

lakshmi, who had gone to the kitchen to coock something came back at this moment, catching vishnu's as well as narada's attention.

narayana narayana, narada said to his mata, as she gave him a warm smile. vishnu simply stared at her, and blinked twice,  making lakshmi to realise what he had said before.

he's coming, time for another leela.

narada told lakshmi about everything, and expected some appreciations from his mother, but it never came.

narada's arrogance and pride got on to his head, and he mistook everything.

may be, i am bigger than even the lord and the goddess, that might be the reason that they're speachless, he thought.

with a last narayana narayana, he bowed to his lord and left the place, starting his journey to bhoomi, to inform the people there about what he had achieved.


narada found himself in a beautiful land, 

he had never been there before, but there was something about this land that made him smile to himself.

may be, this is some kingdom he hadn't visited in the earth, he thought, and moved forward to explore the land.

he found people decorating the entire kingdom, singing praces of someone.

narada went on to enquire about the happenings in this particular kingdom to one old man, who stood decorating the pillors with flowers, gold, and purls.

excuse me, sir. may i know what is so special in this  kingdom that the entire kingdom is in the mood of celebration?

the old man turned, bowing respectfully to narada before saying.

oh reviered one, our king sheelanidhi has a beautiful daughter named shrimati. it is her swayamvar in a few days, and so we're busy preparing for the swayamvar of our beautiful, kind, and jentle princess.

it is the praces of our bilovid king and princess, that we sing throughout our kingdom of mayavati.

narada was confused. sheelanidhi? shrimathi? i've never heard of such a 

 king or a princess before, and mayavati???? narada was lost in thought as he moved to the palace of the king, to have a  glims of both the king as well as the princess, thinking that he could bless the princess to have an excellent groom for her choice. 

narada reached the palace, and gaced at the palace in admiration  .

it was the most beautiful palace in the entire trilok.

it was made of gold, with intricate h designs and paintings hanging on either sides of the front door. as he entered the king's thrown room, he found  a beautiful young man , in his 30s sitting on the thrown. there was a kingly aura that emanated from him.

however there was a worried expression on his face.

as soon as the king spotted narada, he stood up, running to him and falling at his feat.

narada was surprised  and lifted the king up to his feat.

oh holy  one. i've been looking all over the world for  a sage like you. oh lord over kama. please come and be seated.

narada was surprised Yet again., thinking that his achievement had spread so fast.

the king washed his feat and provided him with refreshments before speaking.

oh devarishi, its a privilage to have you here . as you would already know, its my daughter's swayamvar in a few days. please, i request you to look at her hand and  pronounce her to be groom?

narada nodded and asked the king to call his daughter.

shrimati? the king called as a beautiful maiden came running out of the coridoors.

pitashri, she said before seeing narada.

pranam, rishivar, she bowed before the sage.

narada was awstruck as he stared at the princess. she was extreamly beautiful, he could not take his eyes of her. she then gave a smile to the sage, which enchanted him more. what was wrong with him? he thought to himself, before taking shrimati's hand into his to read it.

he looked at her hand and then back at the king.

she is destined to marry a person who is as radient and beautiful as hari.

he said as the king's face lit up with joy. thankyou, Holy one for these words of your's. i am sure now that my daughter will have a happy married life with whom ever she will marry. the king beamed at his daughter, who smiled back at her father.


a/n hello guys, so here's the next part. 

what do you think, about the chapter? please comment your opinions . there's still a lot more to the story, stay tuned to no more.

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