11. rama, the name that came to be a blessing.

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Ravindra's POV.

I am Ravindra. I was a grate sinner, a sinner who's sins were unforgivable. I looted people, killed their family, and even stole theirbabys, if there were any. Yet, here I am , now, In vaikuntha...

Yeah, you heard me right, I am dead, and am in vaikuntha .

You know? I was no religious person, and did not even believe in god. I thought that gods were nothing, but a superstition.

So, this is how it all started, I too, like other people, had a happy family. A loving mother, a caring and kind father, a beautiful, jentle, young, sister.

But everything was snached away from me within a day, when my house cot a fire, and everyone perished. eccept me . why did they leave me alone? So, I dicided to take revenge on every living being in the world.  for what, i didn't know then. I didn't know, what a big mistake I was committing , then.

I killed families, just like how my family had perished .

I stole their babys , 1 or 2 months old. But . one day, a devotee of lord vishnu passed by me, and like always, I tried to loot him of all that he had.

But unfortunately, the devotee was smart enough. And why wont he be? He is sage narada himself.

He held me by the sholder as I was about to attack him. his gace was instance. His eyes had nothing, but compassion in them. "why do you loot people, child, " he questioned me in a tone that was slightly reprimanding. "I need to take revenge on every living being in the world, I want  their everything. " I said. "fine, you can take all that I have, but only on a condition". He insisted.

I was surprised would be an understatement.

I was shocked.

A person asking me to take everything he had, on a condition? Thinking that the condition would not be challenging , I nodded for him to continue. " chant rama, " he said. " do you think, I am silly, rishivara?" " why should I chant someone's name for you to give me everything you have? I shall attack you and take your wealth." I tried to release myself off his grasp, but failed miserably. It seamed that his grasp was stronger than the other people.

"no, child. You need not attack me for anything. I am just asking you for this simple thing, and you can't do it? " narada's eyes was twinkling with mischeive as he asked me to chant the name of rama. I didn't know who rama was, about sage narada, my maathr used to speak a lot about him, his constant Narayana Narayana being his identification mark.

I don't know what took over me at that particular time, to try to loot a sage, that too such a grate devotee of the lord that I am currently with.

"fine, then. I will do it" I thought. But tried to get off his grasp, but no, his grasp was so stronger than I thought it to be.

Finding no other way, I screamed "rama, rama, rama, rama, rama, rama, rama, rama".

"enough, now leave, me. Let me go. I don't want anything of you. " I almost pleaded with him, as his grip on me loosend.

I ran off, without even weighting to here what he had to say.

Then, suddenly, I found myself face to face with sage narada again. The sage had appeared in front of me.

"you are a mortal, child. And you'll have to face death one day. After you, that is your sole is separated from the body, you will have an encounter with yamadharmaraja. And will have a sivier punishment given to you. At the lower levels of naraka.

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