4, vishnu or shiva?

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"narayana, narayana"

Indra's peace was distroied by the holy chants of the lord of the universe, by none other than narada himself. His eyes twinkled with mischeive as he came forward and bowed before indra, who stood up and bowed to the sage in respect.

"Pranam, devarishi. May I know the reason of your visit to Devaloka?"

" sure, sure, devarajendra. But firstly, I just wanted to know who's the grater lord, my lord Vishnu or lord shiva?"

Narada's voice had mischeive edged into it.

"no doubt, lord shiva indeed" indra said.

"why do you think so" ? narada questioned in surprise.

"because, shiva , um, that he's the destroyer, and can destroy the universe whenever he want. He is known as –"

"uffff, if so, lord Vishnu is the preserver. The creator and the destroyer cannot create and destroy the universe if there's no universe at all, so my lord is the grater one", Narada objected

"Ok-ok, lets diside this one by asking lord shiva first and then lord Vishnu? "Indra said.

"about who's the grater one?" narada asked. "do you think that lord shiva or Vishnu will clame themselves to be superior to each other?"

Indra thought for a while and shook his head. "what about we ask them to fight each other, indra asked"

What? Narada was horrified. " A Fight between shiva and Vishnu? ,, indra you've propably lost it, I am sure"

Narada said exasperated.

"well, both of them loves their devotees immensely. Can't we beg them to have a small fight at least, for us?"

Indra asked in such confidence, that narada had to agree. "ok, lets approach the lord of kailash first, after which we'll approach lord Vishnu" narada said and both stood up.

"do you think matas will agree on this?" indra questioned as narada grew confused" may be, may be not, lets however go sea the lord first"

Narada said as they teleported themselves to kailash. I shall go and ask shiva of what we want, " indra said and climbed up, to the divine aboad.

It was not long before indra reached to the place where shiva along with his ganas resided.

"pranam, devarajendra" nandi's voice greeted a nervous indra.

" nandi greetings" indra said.

" is lord shiva free now? indra asked as nandi nodded.

ok, then,  can i meet him?

yeah, sure. , nandi said with respect, as he escorted indra to shiva"

as indra reached shiva, he bowed and asked the lord , his request, that made shiva to go numb for  a moment.

" indra, what are you talking about? fighting with vishnu's not that  easy, you know that"

"yes, prabhu. we do know that, but, you know, i've a conflict with devarishi narada. please, please, help me to have my honour in front of the devarishi" indra requested.

if it were on some other day, shiva would have gotten so angry on indra and propebly would have done something distructive. but today, he didn't feal like getting angry on the king of the heavens. he knew that this must happen to prove the equality of harihara to the universe.

hari, the  lord of eternal love, short stories on narayana✔️Where stories live. Discover now