10, narayana.

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Ajamila? Ajamila? Oh, leave us alone. We just don't want to talk about that treacherous creature.

This was what the people talked about him. and he didn't care.

Because, now, he had abbandent everything , his wife, his children, and the scriptures. He had even stopped believing in the gods. He stayed with the prostitute with no shame upon himself. He lived extravagantly. He had everything now, 9 children sons, a young girl as his partner.

His wife was even more beautiful and young. But he had abandent her when he came across the prostitute. He had fathered 2 or 3 children with his wife. But here, he had 9 of them . he had everything before too. But he enjoyed this life of his rather than the life he had before.

Why, propebly, you'd think.

Let me explane.

Ajamila was a young brahamin and was as noble as any other brahamin of his time. He was jentle, mild, kind to all, and truethful, no matter what happened.

Once, he had been asked by his wife, to collect some flowers for the vishnu puja they were to conduct in their house. He had happily obliged, then. But he didn't know that he'd be under the control of maya shortly.

After he had collected the materials required for the puja, ajamila was walking back home, when he spoted a low class man happily enjoying with a prostitute. Immediately, he forgot everything. Lust had taken over ajamila as he stared at the prostitute. As he went back home, he had no other thoughts in his mind but about the prostitute.

"swami, please come to have dinner, " his wife called to him. but he didn't respond to her calls, just shaking his head indicating that he was not hungry.

After a few days, he made the prostitute to be a sirvand in his house. And abbandent his wife, his children, and ran away with her, forgetting all his good sense.

He lived happily as he cheated on others, harassed them, and gambled away money. He had started drinking, and had taken to be a non-believer in the gods.

He had fathered 9 children and lived happily with the prostitute.

Ajamila was 60 when he fathered his 10th child . as soon as the child was born, he was greeted by the site of a sage standing at his doorstep. "name the child Narayana", the sage said as ajamila welcomed him inside, gave him some water, and treated him well, for he knew the roth of the sages, and treated him well.

As years went by, ajamila grew fond of his 10th son more and more. Each time, he'd want something, he would say, "Narayana, come here, , ask your mother to bring me some water".

The child would obey and this went on until the 88th year of his lifetime arrived.


Ajamila was sleeping one night , when he had a dream, or he thought so. Two hideous looking creatures were slowly approaching him with a nuce in their hands. They then wrapped it around his body and tried to snach something out of his body. He immediately knew who they were. They were the yamdootas, the messengers of the god of death. He had sent them to take his sole away, to naraka. He tried to open his eyes, but was unable to do so. "this is no dream, oh foule creature. Said one of the 2 yamadootas " we are going to take you to the lord of death, to centance you to naraka, after he had calculated your sins. You were a brahamin and but, what did you do? Abbandent the path of dharma and came to the path of adharma, harassing others and gambling their money away. " ajamila could not do anything. He knew that the time to breath his last had arrived.

Out of habit, he called to his son . "Narayana, Narayana, come here. Narayana. Help me. Narayana. " . his calls had so much amount of pain and greef and love in them, that the actual owner of the name could do nothing, but smile at him from above.


Vishnu smiled and clapped his hands twice. 4 people appeared that instant. They were the vishnudootas, the lord's messengers.

"lord, order away," they said as vishnu smiled at them and said . " go to the house of ajamila immediately. For he has called me , or perhaps his son, to whom my name had been kept. He had so much amount of love, pain, and greef in them that now, I must aid him."

"as you wish, lord" they said and disappeared.



As he kept on screaming his sons name, or rather the name of lord vshnu, he saw 4 other people emmerge out of thin air. They were beautiful, had 4 arms, and carried a shanka, chakra, a make and the patma in their hands.

"vishnudootas? What do you want?" the yamadootas screamed at vishnudootas.

"forgive us, oh messengers of death. We've been sent by vaikunthanath to save this mortal, for he has called unto him with such love in his tone."

"but.... The yamadootas trailed of as they bowed their heads, and vanished."

They had understood what lord vishnu wanted. Narayana was his name, and even though ajamila called to his son, in such love and pain., it was lord vishnu who heard it.

Ajamila was saved from death.

He understood why on the day of his last child's birth, the sage had instructed him to name his son after the lord vishnu's name, Narayana.

He had realised his mistake. He slowly got up from the bed, walked out of his house, and to the vishnu temple nearby.

"forgive me, lord. He cried falling at the feat of the murthi.

And fromthat day on , , he came back to his senses and started to serve the lord in such devotion and breathed his last at Haridwar, near the ganga river.


a/n, guys, here's another story.

Hope you like it.

hari, the  lord of eternal love, short stories on narayana✔️Where stories live. Discover now