Mental breakdown

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No one's pov. 

Douma ran to his room, after walking through the forest. His tears couldn't stop dripping from his eyes. He shut the door with full force, almost breaking it.  He threw himself on the bed and hugged a pillow.

Douma's pov: 

I couldn't stop, I couldn't stop tearing up. To be honest, I don't know why I was crying in the first place. Were my...emotions back? I don't know, but I didn't care at that point. Suddenly my memories came back. Old, forgotten, memories. Memories that not even I cared about until now...

,,,,Oh my God, dear! This child has rainbow eyes! He's a miracle!"

  ,,This could only mean one thing...HE CAN COMUNICATE WITH GODS! I'll make him the leader of my cult! He is worth anything!"

  ,,Of course he is! Aren't you my precious baby, Douma?" she said, rubbing my cheeks with her delicate hand. Her smile was that of an angel, full of love and care. Back then, that smile meant nothing to me. I never heard the voice of Gods, but I wanted to make them happy, so I played along. I never actually heard their voice.  But I love them. With all their flaws. I love my parents no matter the reason. Then...when they died...why didn't I cry? Why was I mad that they ruined the carpet. I thought I loved them..."

Another memory came in my mind.

,,Kotoha...such a wonderful name! It suits her! It's pretty, just like her! And her baby, Inosuke. They are both wonderful. That's why I didn't even kill them! Of course, why would I?"

Then, a flashback showed up in my face. She was dead, her eyes tearing up more from guilt than pain. 

,,Kotoha, are you ok?" I said. ,,Kotoha...KOTOHA!!!!!!!"

However, I just ate her. Like she was an ordinary human. Why did I do this?!?! How could I do this to someone I loved? How could I be such

Being emotionless ended me like this? The way I acted with my fellow demons was wrong? Questions filled my head, one after another.

With all my last strength, I screamed:


Then, I cried again. I felt drowning in my tears full of desperation and sadness. I subconsciously kept these tears one by one to myself, and now it all came on me.

,,Douma...are you?"

,,Who is it? No...impossible. Is that...Akaza-dono?! How long had he been standing there?!"

I got scared and tried to act friendly.

,,H-hello Akaza...don-n-no" I tried to say in a happy tone, but failed miserably.

,,Do you think I'm stupid?! Don't you dare act all happy!!"

No one's pov.

Akaza walked up to Douma carefully. Douma backed up a little. He felt again something weird inside his chest. He had this feeling before, however, it wasn't very noticeable.  Then, something snapped inside of Akaza. He went straight to Douma and hugged him warmly.

,,Look, I don't know how to comfort people. I'm sorry I didn't mind my business and screamed at you. I just didn't notice your emotions were back! I'll be more careful, I promise."

Douma just looked in vain. That warm feeling was so much more intense now. I couldn't hold it back. I also hugged him. Due to me being taller than him, I looked as if I hugged him first. I buried my face into his head, while Akaza remained silent. He could feel his hair getting wet from all the tears that were soaked into it. He didn't say anything tho'. At that point, he didn't care at all about that. 

After some time, Akaza pulled away, and said toughly:

,,Don't you dare have any wild thoughts about that! Only did it so you would shut up. I need to go."

He had a hard time saying that, since none of what the words he said was true. He left, leaving Douma alone. 

Douma fell on the bed again, blushing like crazy. He shoved his face into the pillow.

,,MmMmm, Akaza-dono~! How can you be so...lovely?"

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