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Akaza's pov.


Huh? What was that? Who was that? Who is that beautiful woman right there? She's so familiar. Those snowflakes in her hair, her kimono, her eyes, they're all so familiar, even thought I've never seen them before. Did I? And who is Hakuji? I don't remember...

,,I'm home, dad. I've brought you your medici-. 
The boy drops on his knees, watching his beloved father hanging, his lifeless body being the only thing left. He was sick, really sick, his illness would have killed him  a long time ago, if it wasn't for his son to steal the medicine he needed so badly. Only if he knew that, in order to get that medicine, his son needed to beat others up,  and threaten them to get enough money. Honestly, the reason was truly respectable, it was an honorable reason to take other's belongings. However, the ,,others" didn't like that. He was caught several times, marking his body with various tattoos, so that people knew he was a criminal. Even so, the boy never stopped stealing behind his father's back, keeping him alive. In fact, he went so far that they had to threaten him with cutting his arms if he was ever caught stealing again.  That night, when his father found out, he couldn't bare the thought of his son being a criminal, and so, he decided to put an end to his life once and for all. 

His son, however, couldn't take it. Why was his father guilty? What was his fault, for being born?!!? Why wasn't this world fair, like it should be? World's not perfect, he should have known, happiness was going to leave him one day. 

Happiness, however, it's either lost, or either found. You can lose it, but find it again, only in different circumstances. 

Keizo...was like a second father to him. He is the one who tought the boy to fight, the deep secret of true martial arts. Never use your power for bad purposes, because karma will catch you off-guard at some point. Help others, heal others, heal your father, heal...Koyuki.

The prettiest girl he had ever seen, was Koyuki, who was really sick at that time. The boy's tasks were simple: keep the house clean, and nurse Koyuki. Since he had nursing experience before, it was easy to take care of a pretty, simple girl like her. Without even realizing, all these year only brought them closer, until they fell in love. A beautiful, pure love story, that has such a sad ending. Who exactly is this boy the story is about? This boy...this ME!

I looked at Koyuki, finally remembering her, my master and my father. These three people I couldn't life without. 


Something's odd. Something's not right.  It's her, Koyuki, the girl I dedicated my life for, but yet I failed to protect. I should drop on my knees, cry and beg her for forgiveness. I am guilty, I know I am, but something's missing...

,,Koyuki...I am-"

,,You don't need to apologize. It's not your fault for anything. After all, I can't control your feelings..."

Huh? What does she mean by that?

,,Koyuki, I don't-"

She smirks. An evil grin on her face appears. She starts giggling. 

,,You know, Hakuji-san, I can see EVERYTHING from up here."

Oh God...

OH MY GOD!! EVERYTHING?!!? That means she saw, she saw me and Douma. 

I try keeping my clam, watching her burst out laughing. She laughs sweetly. 

,,You and the blonde guy are so cute! It's ok if you don't love me anymore..."

,,No! I do love you!!!"

Right now, I'm not sure if what I'm saying are lies or not. Maybe she's right though. That missing thing was the love feeling towards her. 

,,Suuure you do. Alright then,  I'll leave now. It is ok, really. I accept you now matter what you are. Sayonara, Hakuji-san!

I have no  time to react. Soon, she vanishes, turning into a memory, a beautiful memory, a dream of love that dissappeard the moment she passed away. Now, I'm left with nothing. Everything I used to have is now gone, somewhere in a beautiful place, leaving me on Earth. 

Suddenly, I open my eyes, only to see myself crying. Pathetic, really.

Painfully pathetic...

Word count: 737.

It took me FOREVER to write this. There may be phrases that make no sense, but here's what you get:).

I'll start again my writing time, which means I'll write on friday. 

Ps: If I don't upload, it means that I'm on vacation.


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