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Douma's pov.

I want to be as clear as possible. My heart aches thinking I'll have to hurt my Akaza-dono's feelings or even worse. But I have to find a way to open his eyes. He loves me, I know it, but he buried his feelings into a sea of hate. And I'm hurt, I feel like crying, but I won't. Crying won't help me and Akaza get together. Instead, I have another plan. He may not like it...but in the end, he will be the one admitting his love towards me...

No one's pov. 

After that incident, Douma hadn't talked to Akaza. At first, the pinklette was confused. He thought Douma was just mad, and that he will get over it soon. However, things haven't gone as he thought. The blonde was back to his usual carefree and cheerful behavior, but only with the other members of the Twelve Kizuki. With everyone, except him.  That annoyed the smaller demon, but didn't let his anger show up. 

,,It's ok like this, Akaza! You're the one who rejected him, so why are you sad about him? Why are you feeling hurt from not getting his attention. Why do you care so much for that bastard? You should be thinking about you fiancee!  She's you're one true love, isn't she?"

Akaza's subconsciousness was bursting in again.

,,Yeah, but...she's dead. Douma is alive. And I love him. I love him! I LOVE HIM!"

,,You don't. You love Koyuki."

Akaza slammed the wall forcefully. The fight between his emotions felt like it would never end, the painful opposite feelings that were bumping into each other. It felt impossible to comprehend. He needed to talk to someone. And he knew the perfect person...

*at Nakime's room*

,,'s the story..."

Nakime listened carefully what Akaza had to say. She didn't interrupt her superior, not even once.  She just listened, every word he had to say. 

,,You know, Akaza, that continuing to live like this will drive you crazy, and eventually lead you to more dangerous things, like suicide. "

,,Than what in the world should I do?!"

Nakime paused a little.

,,Inside you, there is a fight between two wolfs. One of them is an idiot, the other one is also an idiot.  You are an IDIOT! If you just love him, then confess your feelings! I know you have a really high level of affection for that woman, but thinking about her and remembering her image will only cause you more suffering. She is dead, Upper Three. Your tears and memories won't bring her back. If I were you, I wouldn't hesitate to tell Douma my emotions. You'll feel released. This way, you'll feel your mind at peace."

Akaza was shocked by what his subordinate was saying. It seemed to be true though...but one thing remained unclear. 

,,If what you're saying it's true, then why don't you just confess to Kokushibo. Literally everybody knows about your relationship, so why don't you just admit it?"

Nakime smiled shyly. 

,,It's much more...romantic this way...don't you think? I mean, acting like lovebirds reminds me of my teenage years. I just want everything like this forever. I like things just the way they are. Of course, I'll tell Koku just what I feel, when I'll consider what the right time is. Nooow, if you wanna do as I said, I'll tell you where Douma is right now...

*at the pub, Tokyo*_*Douma's pov*

It's fun chilling with other guys and girls here. Hehe, maybe it's embarrassing that the place is actually a strip club, but, everyone has it's somewhat, innocent satisfactions. I kept looking at the girls dancing. They were so beautiful, thick and...big. I felt myself getting hard by every moment passing. Looking at them made my mouth water. In that place, no one knew I was a cult leader, so I could enjoy my time there without being attacked with prayers. I wore a nice suit, exposing my chest, because, after all, I was pretty attractive. 

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