A strange accident

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Get y'all asses ready! You're about to see some gay shit over here!

No one pov.

Douma woke up, realizing he had slept way too much! He quickly put his clothes back on and brushed his hair, so that his followers won't notice how messed up was his hair. He then decided to smell his arm, but turned his had away from it immediately. It stinked so bad! How long had it been since he had a proper bath? It's weird, but it was more than A YEAR! He facepalmed himself for not caring about his appearance. 

He told one of his cult members  to prepare him oils and good-smelling shampoos for him to wash himself.

-timeskip after the cult session-

Douma pov:

After the session that felt like hours, a Biwa sound played. Huh? Where was I? Is that...Muzan-sama's office? 

I wasn't sure, but the answer was revealed soon.

,,Come in..."

I went inside Muzan's office, feeling nervous for the first time in my life. Once I saw him, I immediately got on my knees, bowing in front of him.

,,Well, that's something new, Douma. I see there's something good in your emotions, after all..."

,,I am-"

,,Shut up. I don't really care, to be honest. What I called you for is that someone reported me that you keep going to the Wisteria Pit. Not only that, but you also made a habit out of it."

It was true. Who told Muzan-sama about this?? Couldn't he just mind his business?!!?  

,,Douma, I don't want you to go to that pit anymore. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF YOU FELL? I made that pit for demons I didn't need anymore, but who also did something worthy of praise. It was made for them so that they wouldn't suffer before dying."

His words were followed by a long pause. Yes, that pit could kill me, but over there...I felt like all of my worries were dissolving in the flowers. It felt good, it warmed me up, it made me feel like all of my dreams came true. As long as I wasn't making contact with the flowers, why wouldn't he let me go there?

My thoughts were interrupted by him again. 

,,I'm strictly forbidding you to go there. Nakime will be more careful and watch you from time to time. If I ever catch you next to that pit again...things won't go well for you. 

I stayed silent for a while. I knew that no matter how much I would beg him, Muzan wouldn't change his mind. Damned Michael Jackson...

,,I understand, but may I ask something?"

,,Go on."

,,Who told you about this?"

Muzan didn't respond. But after some time he finally said:

,,The respective demon asked me to not tell you. But, I couldn't care less about his wishes, since he failed his last mission. Akaza told me about this."

Than, Muzan got weirdly exited about gossiping. It's not like he was gossiping with Nakime all the time...

,,In fact, he actually begged me forbid you to go there 😈"

I couldn't speak. Did Akaza-dono...care for my safety? It made me happy,  but also angry for ruining the only pleasure I ever had. 

Nakime then teleported me to my cult again. I stayed still for some moments. I then went to the lake where I was going to take a bath, since I absolutely couldn't wait to clean this shit all over me.

I kept thinking of Akaza. How badly I wanted to tear his body apart. No...I wanted to break him, I wanted to explore his dammed body. I closed my eyes, trying to get rid of the lust that came all over me

No one pov. 

,,AKAZA-KUUNNN! Could you please give this necklace to Douma for me?"

,,Geez, why can't she give this trashy necklace to that idiot herself??

,,Of course, Daki-sama! Anything that makes you happy makes me happy too."

Daki said something weird back...

,,Akaza-kun...you should kill yourself..."

,,Yeah, what a great idea! Let me just..."

He grabbed Daki's necklace and asked Nakime politely to teleport him to Douma. 

At first, he didn't knew where he was, but his eyes wided at what he saw. There he was, Douma, taking a bath, without any clothes on. Thank god the water wasn't completely see- through. 

Douma realized Akaza was there. 

,,Hello, Akaza-dono! Do you wanna join me?"

Akaza was as red as a juicy strawberry. He blushed so hard he wasn't even thinking straight. Such amazing muscles he had. His body was so well built. He could definetley please anyone if he wanted to...

,,N-no, you idiot! Daki asked me to give this to you"

,,Well, come here and give it to me~"

Akaza walked up to him, when he accidentally slipped and fell into the small lake. He quickly got his head of the water. Douma looked at him deeply in the eyes and smiled. Akaza couldn't move. He felt that Douma's eyes were entering his soul melting his heart. Then, Douma placed his finger on Akaza's bottom lip and started playing with it. Akaza got nervous and punched his head off, something he hadn't done in a while. 


,,No need to be harsh, Akaza-dono~. Why don't you stay here? We could have a bath together~"

,,God, he is so damn hot..." thought Akaza, looking with love eyes into Douma's. He did something he didn't expect.  He took his shirt off, throwing it away. For some time they didn't say anything. All they did was stare into each other's eyes. Akaza fell in some sort of a transit, the air was filled with energy.  Suddenly, Douma pulled Akaza's hair tight. 


,,Why did you tell Muzan-sama about my little hobby?"

He pulled Akaza's hair even more harshly. 

,,I didn't say anything!!! Let go of me this instant!"

,,I'm pretty sure Muzan-sama never lies. He might be a gossiper, but he never lied~"
,,But I told him to not..."

,,See what I'm talking about? You don't hate me, do you?"

,,I hate you"

Then, Douma got closer to Akaza's ear and whispered:

,,Say it again~"

 Akaza's shocked expression turned into a big smirk. He didn't know what was happening to him, it was such a weird feeling towards Douma he never experienced. 


Douma couldn't hold himself anymore. That seductive voice he had and his attitude drove him insane. 

He grabbed Akaza's jaw and kissed him roughly. Akaza's whole flirty vibe went away, shocked by his superior's action. He had an immense urge to kiss Douma back, he wanted to, but it didn't feel right to do it there.  He forcefully broke away from the kiss, grabbed his shirt and ran away, leaving Douma behind

HOLLY FRICK! 1100 words! 

Congrats to me, babes (*≧︶≦))( ̄▽ ̄* )ゞ


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