~Chapter two~

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~~~Third person's pov~~~

Anna walked to the uzumaki cafe, she just finished her long mission.

' God, when can I go back to the military?,' She thought and open the entrance door. earning a bell sound.

" Anna-chan, what can we get for you?," The waitress asked.

" Tea please, specifically earl grey," The young girl sat on the couch seats. she leaned her head on the headback.

" Long mission?," The woman asked.

" Yeah," Anna said.

The waitress serve her tea, and it's set, such as a cubes of sugar, milk and the tea pot itself.

She drank her tea gently, hissing at the hot temperature. " It's too hot," She mutter.

She pulled out a locket, revealing a photo of her and her loved one. 

' God, Why was I in this mission anyway?, I miss home, but it's alright, my mission is almost over,' She thought and place back on her pocket.

She finished the tea and went up on the agency building.

she knocked the door and surprisingly heard nothing.

' were they attack?,' She thought.

She opened the door and saw no one on the offices, she then heard some noises at the clinic.

' did those guys have injuries already, on their first task?,' She thought and knock on the door.

" Come in," Kunikida said.

" Already have gotten yourself hurt, Atsushi?," She asked, and close the door.

" Not only that, Anna, there's a bounty of Seven billion yen on his head now," Kunikida said.

' sells to the black market huh?, there's gonna be a lot of underground organization who would want him now, that's gonna cause conflict,' Anna thought.

" Hmm, my gotten yourself in a mess now huh?, Atsushi," The young girl send him a creppy smirk.

" Anna, stop it, we have to protect him now, no doubt the port mafia would target him even more now," Kunikida said.

" Ok, whatever you say, Kunikida," She said and left the room.

" Goodness, where is that girl's manners?," The man mutter.

~~~Anna's pov~~~

' Goodness, why does he always have the bad luck?,' I thought, and see, a huge amount of men in black.

' Hmm, I spoke too soon,' I thought and went back to the clinic to warn the others.

" Everyone, get ready, the port mafia are here," I said. Atsushi flinched at the statement.

' he must be traumatized now,' I thought. " They must be here for Atsushi, we have to protect him at all cost!," Kunikida said.

We nodded.

They gather at the entrance and the men in black kick open the door.

' Tch!, where are they're manners?,' I thought.

" Step aside, Detectives, hand over the boy and everything will go smoothly," A older man, at the age of 50 spoke.

" I don't think so, The agency protects one of their own here," I said sternly. " if you want the boy, you will have to go through all of us here," Anna smirked evily.

" Now, who would want to play?," 

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