~Chapter thirteen~

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Third person's pov

' God it has been too long since I had relaxed,' Anna thought and plup her to the apartment couch.

It has been months since the guild organization war.

' I wonder how long does this mission have to take?,' Anna thought.

Anna's phone suddenly rang.

' Who could that be?,' She thought.

The moment she saw the contact name, she directly answer it.

" Gramps?, what do you need?," Anna asked. She seems to be happy now.

" Well, It has been more than a year now, I think it's time for you to come home," Genichirou said. Through the other line.

" I mean, if you want to," He chuckled through the other line.

Anna couldn't contain the happiness and accept the request.

" I'm gonna pack some of my stuff and I'll be there!," Anna exclaimed and hang up.

Anna ran straight to her room and grab the most important belongings.

' I can't believe I'm actually done with this mission of mine!,' She thought.

Before she leaves her apartment. She glance to the photo of her with the agency.

For some reason, she felt guilty for betraying them like this.

' This is why, I told myself to never get attach of anyone,' she thought and left the photo.

Anna shift into her crow form and flew out of the apartment.

After a long flight. Anna finally arrived at the military headquarters.

It was starting to get dark already. ' Great now it's dark, How am i gonna find Grandpa now?,' She thought.

" Frowning again, are we Anna?," She gasped and heard a familiar voice she hasn't heard in a long time.

She glance to two people who they were there for her for the longest time.

" Long time no see, Little witch," Teruko said. A gentle smile appearing on her face.

" You've grown quite a bit, but you're still short," Teruko smirked.

" I'M STILL GROWING!," Anna exclaimed.

" Now now, No shouting, It's already dark," Genichirou slightly scolded the two.

Anna became quiet. She ran up to the older man and wrapped her arms around his waist.

" You did well," He patted her head.

" So, What now?," Anna asked.

" We'll probably have no mission for you and you'll be resting after that foreign organization war you had," The man said.

' Finally, i can have a break!,' She thought. Anna then yawn and lean into her grandfather's chest.

" I think worn herself out. It was a long flight," Teruko said. Patting the girl's head.

" Yeah, I should take her home," Genichirou said. Plopping her into his arms correctly. Her chin resting on his shoulder.

" Well have a goodnight, Captain!~," Teruko waved.

The man chuckled and walk back to their home. Where little anna grew.

Little witch( Bsd x child fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now