~Chapter twelve~

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Third person's pov

' After this whole thing is done, I'm gonna have to stop by at the military headquarters,' Anna thought.

" Dazai, Looks like we have company," Anna glance to the mafioso enter the gates of the hideout.

" Well, looks like Mori-san is here," Dazai said.

" Port mafia boss has arrive, I wonder what they're here for?," She mutter and heard the agency members exit the hideout.

" Dazai-kun," Mori called out. " Do you still kept the coat that I gave you?,"

" If I would, I would have been wearing it right now," Dazai jumped from the ceiling. Landing on the ground.

" I burn it a long time ago," Dazai gave the man a death glare.

" Port mafia Boss, Mori Ougai, why have you gone here?," Fukuzawa Yukichi asked. With his subordinates to accompany him.

" It seems that the guild organization is getting out of hand, I had in mind that the two strongest organizations of yokohama should have a temporary alliance," Mori Ougai said.

A sly grin appeard on his face.

A disgusted expression appeared on Anna's face.

' Disgusting old man,' She thought.

" And I thought of boring one of your subordinates," Mori said.

All of the detectives's attention swap to the man.

" No matter what you do, i will not hand you any of my employees," Fukuzawa said. Sternly.

" Oh?," Mori said.

" You see here, These subordinates of mine, had been through hell and back," The black lizard glared to the agency members.

" My members had nearly gone through death itself," Fukuzawa raising his voice.

" But they weren't killed, That is an insult to the mafia," Mori's dark aura was showing.

Anna felt it from where she is.

' This weird feeling, I never felt this way to any opponent,'  She glance to the man and see how he eadily dodge Fukuzawa's attacks.

' What is this man?,'

" I thought you had laid down your sword, The sliver wolf, Fukuzawa Yukichi-dono," That sly grin returning to Mori Ougai's face.

" I see you haven't change, Mori-sensei, I see you're still interested in young girls," Fukuzawa said.

Making Anna disgusted again.

' This man sure is gross,' She thought.

" Do you still talk to cats?," Mori asked.

Fukuzawa's form dissapearing into small particles. Anna glance to Tanizaki using his ability.

' Illusion, the best ability for assinations,' She thought.

" Have the sliver wolf soften?," Mori asked.

" Well, that would be it," Mori started to leave but turn to Dazai one more time.

" Oh, Dazai-kun the room for one more executive is still open," Mori said.

" Well, I would love that if I would have never change but,"

Anna gasped silently when she saw the similiar sinister glare.

" I wold never go back,"

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