~Chapter seven~

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~~~~~~Anna's pov~~~~~

It was another day of work, I was on my way to the agency building and saw a foreign man, accompany by one of his co-worker, perhaps?

I entered the building and made in time, before the elevator closes.

' Those people, their up to no good, I just have a bad feeling about this,' I thought and notice the door open.

" Good morning," I mutter and enter the office.

" Good morning, Anna-chan!," Atsushi beamed, I notice a girl right around my age next to him.

' The girl from the port mafia has join the armed detective agency?, how strange,' I thought.

" Good morning, Atsushi, and who's this?," I asked and glance to the navy haired girl.

" That's Kyoka, she recently join the agency," Atsushi said.

' I can't believe Director let a killer into the agency, is it because she is a child and she can atone for her sins?,' I thought.

" Nice to meet you, Kyoka," I said and went to my desk, right next to Kunikida.

" I know, You're uncomfortable of having a former mafia here, but bear with it, she's a kid and has her whole life ahead of her," Kunikida said.

" I didn't ask for your lecture, Kunikida-san," I said and opened my file of paperworks.

~~~~~Third person's pov~~~~~

The group of foreign came to the agency and ask where Fukuzawa Yukichi is.

" Right this way, sir," Naomi escorted the guest in.

" Kunikida, I'm going for a walk," Anna said and pull out her hood.

" OI Anna!, Where do you think you're going?!, your work isn't done yet?!," Running his fingers through his hair out of frustration.

" Don't worry, I'll just be out in a while," Anna said and exit the agency. going to the elevator.

" What do you mean!, You didn't see Atsushi and Tanizaki?," Kunikida asked the sliver haired girl.

" I'm telling you!, I didn't see them while I was out!," Anna spat back to the man.

" But, I did see a young woman, the one from earlier, in the middle of the road, she gives an off aura," She said.

" Maybe, she has them!," Anna quickly exits the office and ran down the stairs to chase the female who kidnapped Atsushi and the tanizaki siblings.

Anna gasped and saw the woman again.

" OI YO-" Anna was knocked out cold.

" Let's play together!,"

Anna groaned and get up from her knees. ' What the heck happened to me?,' She thought and saw she was in a colorful room.

And saw Atsushi.....and Mori Ougai.

' The port mafia boss is here, but he seems to be in disguise,' She thought. ' Maybe that's why, Atsushi didn't recognize him,' She thought.

" Young man, I'm afraid our young one is awake," The older man said.

Atsushi turned and notice Anna.

" Anna-chan!, You're awake, how did you get here!?," He asked.

" Like how you did, now, where is Tanizaki and Naomi?," She asked. the boy pointed to the door at the edge.

" We need to get the key from her, in order to set them out," Atsushi said.

" Well, time for showtime," A smirk appear from her face.

" Ability: Scarlet Witch: Velvet wings," Glowing wings appear from Anna's back. flapping making her lift from the floor.

" Atsushi, let's save those two and get out of here," She ordered.

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