~Chapter eleven~

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Anna's pov

" Anna?, Where are you?, are the clerks safe?," Kunikida asked from the phone.

" I don't know, They got out of the house before I got there," I said.

" I have to hangup, I need to deal with something," I glare to the two foreign men.

" I'll leave it to your hand, Anna," The call was cut.

I glance to the other two. " Now that I'm done with the two of you, i guess I should leave you two here," I said and leave the apartment.

Third person's pov

Anna was sprinting back to the agency. ' Those guys better not get caught!,' She thought.

Her phone then rang again.

" Whose this?!, This time?,"

" Anna-chan, Come to the next train station, it's not far from where you are," She heard Dazai's voice.

" W-Why?,"

" A port mafia member has attack the clerks," He said.

" Alright, I'll be there in a few minutes," Anna used her Ability to levitate. In order to arrive at the location faster.

" Hahahahhahahahajahhahhaha!," Q's insane laughter rang through the heads of his victims.

Enough for Anna to arrive in time.

" Abiliy: Scarlet witch: Illusion unfold!," Anna cast a spell that brough the clerks and Atsushi back to reality.

And made Q see hallucinations.

His bloody scream/laughter rang through the train station.

" Y-You're so great!, Nee-san!," He insanely said. Clawing his face.

When the train arrive. Q jump in and leave the detectives.

" I'll see you soon Dazai-san!," Q called out as the train travels goes on.

' That kid is weird,' Anna thought and glance to Atsushi.

" Atsushi, Get up," Anna said. Sternly.

" I c-can't,"

Dazai walked up to the two and smack Atsushi across the face.

Making two girls gasped.

Anna blankly glance the the two.

" Now if you don't mind, i have to go back to Kunikida-san and Director, see ya later you three," Anna said and teleported back to the headquarters.

" Anna, How are the two guild members?," Kunikida asked.

" I have trap them in the apartment where Haruno-san lives, I don't know how long are they gonna last in there," She said.

" And the others?," He asked.

" Look, One of the mafias attack the clerks and Atsushi, Dazai contact me as soon as possible, Thank god I arrive on time," Anna said.

Kunikida sighed.

" Anyways, it seems the treaty alliance was basically a trap for us, Those mafias sure are smart," Anna mutter the last.

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